...have left me a hurtin' puppy and bored to tears. Never before did I realize how much I treasure doing housework! But with ever move you can hear my knees popping! Love you all! ((smoochies))
Woods Edge Apartments is a lovely place to live, its tall trees an invitation to all manner of wildlife. Sometimes, though, this adds up to tragedy... and sometimes the tragedy, after a second look, is damned funny
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...but I'm watching Mulan at the moment, and I've come to the conclusion that the best bad guy ever drawn - hands down - is Shahn Yu. Not sure about the spelling, but he's the Hun leader. In a few sophisticated words he puts a permanent chill down my back. The worst? It embarrasses me to admit watching this lemon, but the WORST bad guy is the
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...But you know that saying that "everything that can go wrong WILL go wrong?" I'm getting a taste of that now. Two molars are abscessing and they hurt like hell. I've had to go to the hospital for everything under the sun, leaving our already... um... financially challenged... family with so little we were left with no other option than to go
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The one story mid-sided brick (or stone) house is nestled among several old oaks, the neighbors are friendly. Likely the floors are wood, and the whole thing probably has some age on it. One or two small gardens dot the front yard
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Having half my toenail cut off this morning seemed bad enough. Then there was the root canal! It's something I've harbored a fear for for uncountable years - but before he started I asked him "Are you a Christian?" An answer of "Yes" lead into a comforting prayer. Dr. McDougall is a keeper.