
Jan 05, 2011 14:03

I may or maybe not have said it before, but I've stopped watching Supernatural somewhere around mid-Season 5 for a bunch of reasons. However, quite a few of you still do and this spoiler has been posted all over my flist, so I was curious. I might just make an exception and watch this thing of beauty though: ( Spoiler for SPN 6x???? )


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Comments 28

jb_slasher January 5 2011, 14:30:12 UTC
Ahaha I am a little horrified by the idea, yet oddly intrigued. I need to catch up!


benitle January 5 2011, 14:49:23 UTC
Haha, I'm INCREDIBLY horrified, yet a little intrigued. I might just watch it. *g*


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benitle January 8 2011, 16:18:22 UTC
I'm definitely keeping an eye on this spoiler. It just seems so WTF that it might not be (entirely) true.


mrstotten January 5 2011, 16:21:21 UTC
I'm still watching but this is making me want to cry or hit something!!!

I LIKE my 4th wall!!! I don't want to watch the Jared/Jensen show I want to watch a demon hunting show about two brothers /rant :P

I think this episode may be the one that loses me, it has nothing to do with Gen, I just don't want to watch the show my show is turning into :(


benitle January 8 2011, 16:22:28 UTC
I LIKE my 4th wall!!! I don't want to watch the Jared/Jensen show I want to watch a demon hunting show about two brothers /rant :P
Exactly! It's like SPN has nothing today anymore with the show that I used to love. That's basically why I stopped watching. The current SPN is nothing I ever would have gotten into in the first place. *shudder*

For me it has nothing to do with Gen either. I still think that her interpretation of Ruby is really, really poor, but I'm sure she's a perfectly nice person.


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benitle January 8 2011, 16:23:59 UTC
I feel like show's attempts at "funny" have been more miss than hit in the past and it's making me sadface. The writing staff just doesn't seem to have the talent to do a strong, funny episode. :(


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benitle January 8 2011, 16:27:52 UTC
it's almost like a 'hit and miss' thing in which, most of the times, the writing is just a miss.
Yes, exactly! I feel like this SPN has nothing to do anymore with the SPN I fell in love with. It's natural that shows evolve and not every season can be season 1 all over again. But I feel like SPN has jumped the shark seasons ago.

I hear you about fandom though. It's really tough letting go of your first fandom, but I guess after a while, the people stick with you. Fandom or not. :)



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