Reasons why you should love BSG boys in general (and Team Tahcco especially)

Mar 10, 2009 02:44

Battlestar galactica is the best show on TV. Ever.
And I swear, I watch the show for the pitch. But the prettiness of the cast is a really interresting bonus!

Now, I'll show you the reasons why you should watch Battlestar Galactica and why you should love the BSG Boys

Picspam made for my friends hobbitofkobol, aurelianne and superfrayed (in particular but I know I have BSG fans on my LJ friends!)

Sources: allabouttahmoh,, The jedi Chief, Exposay, superherofan , hobbitofkobol , dryope, team_tahcco

01. They have pretty face and a lot of charm

02. The characters are made of love

03. Shirtless, they are really hot!

04. The arms!!!

05. The Swexius was only for fangirls


06. They are sexy whatever the circumstance

07. They are so funny and friendly!

bsg, bambi, tahcco, tahmoh

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