Title: Beneath These Skies
Rating: R
Wordcount: 6k this part, 37k overall
vyctori and
seijichanDisclaimer: Do not own.
Summary: An ex-soldier-turned-healer, a priest, and an unhorsed knight flee for their lives after the invasion of their homeland. John didn't expect the road to safety to be easy, but the addition of a petite mage and a scowling former prisoner
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Comments 30
This is just a wild guess: but is Sherlock from Gallan nobility?
Interesting guess, but I'm obligated not to answer.
I love what you have till now, John as a dual class! ( i used to play rol games in Uni, the ones with dices, there i met my husband we both were masters then).
And Molly been a mage sound awesome even if she is racist, i hope is only secondhanded so it would pass as she know the people herself.
Sherlock is a Leguz? A shapeshifter? I wonder bewcause of how he talk about the humans he talk like he was an outsider, but Sherlock feel always as an outsider even if he is human, but in this setting ...
I like having Bill and Mike around, they never get to much space in stories and this will be fun to read them.
I always play as a priest in rolplaying, so i'm very exited of this adventure!
I want to know what skills Sherlock has and his past off course!
Molly's never met a laguz, but this is a world with serious problems.
I know Bill is meant to be an army doctor, same as John, or at least a medic or nurse, but having everyone be a mage was just too unbalanced. Knight, it is!
Anyway, this has started off splendidly. I ache for Sherlock who has obviously been tortured and traumatized.
Looking forward to the next chapter
Love the paragraph where John explains how he can be a soldier who cares.
Love the bit where Sherlock points out that inhuman things are actually quite (and exclusively) human.
Feel dreadful for tortured Sherlock, even if he is still a dick. I wondered for a minute if he's a shapeshifter? Is that what Gallians are?
Molly's character is spot on. So is John's. I guess Bill is Bill Murray?
I'm not a gamer, haven't heard of Fire Emblem. Just knowing it was a quest-type situation helped cement the feel of the story, so that went over clearly and well.
I believe "a far cry removed" is redundant. At least it is in my part of the country (South). It's an idiom, so who knows. There are a couple of other minor typos, if that bothers you. Otherwise: great! I look forward to more.
**Sorry if you're getting this multiple times. I thought it was better to repost it under the correct story!
I'm trying to essentially make this as self-explanatory as any of my other AUs, but the crossover nature does mean giving credit. Think that's scared some people off.
That's how I've always heard the idiom used up north, so dunno. Neither of my two betas took issue with it, though if there are typos, dunno even more. What did we miss?
(Yeah, that was confusing for a bit.)
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