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Comments 9

lienne February 23 2011, 23:14:42 UTC


bending_sickle February 23 2011, 23:24:09 UTC
...is fixed now. You caught the post just in that despserate "oh shit oh shit where'd it go wrong?!?" moment.


lienne February 23 2011, 23:35:25 UTC

I have a talent for doing that. XD


seschat February 24 2011, 13:55:42 UTC
Darling, I'm so sorry you're feeling down and all over the place at the moment. I wish I could be there with you and cheer you up and hug you for real, but as for now - *CUDDLES* *EVEN MORE CUDDLES* I'm always there for you, yeah? If you want to talk or someone to listen. ♥

Your German prof sucks. That's why I lost the motivation to study Spanish even though I the language - some people just can't teach. *grumbles*

ALSO, big yay for awesome SCIENCE! *is starry-eyed* I think you should totally comment on the original thread. YOU SHOW THEM! ;P

*draws lots and lots of hearts around you*


bending_sickle February 24 2011, 15:33:26 UTC
*clings to* Thanks, darling. Just knowing you're there helps a lot ♥

German classes used to be mini-parties, every week! I miss my teacher from Montreal so much :(

Science! \o/ But no, I don't think I'll comment on the thread, because I just don't need that drama. Let them be wrong. They don't deserve science. *frony face of disapproval*

*colours in the hearts with more hearts and pours glitter everywhere*


seschat February 27 2011, 13:23:46 UTC
So sorry for the delay, sweetie! I hope you had a fabulous time in Palermo, even though I guess it can get rather unpleasant when there's no way to escape if your parents so happened to decide on being their usual delightful selfs. Hope that wasn't the case, though, and you all got to see a lot of history and art and prettiness and had a lot of delicious, delicious food. *cuddles you*

You're right, they don't deserve you going all AWESOME SCIENTIST on them. Hah. ♥

On an unrelated note, can I just say how much Sundays suck? And Mondays? Oh dear, why can't I quit school and go live in... Canada? Canada sounds relaxing right now.

*HUGS YOU TIGHTLY* I've been thinking about you and missing you like crazy this weekend, sweetie.


bending_sickle March 2 2011, 22:16:06 UTC
Well, not going to lie, there were Unfortunate Instances involving my parents and a strong desire on my part to shovel a tunnel to China, but I got to eat delicious food and see pretty churches, so I can't complain overmuch.

Canada is freezing right now! It's got snow and horribel things like -30 something degrees with windchill! (But then, it's got maple syrup and beaver tails and hot fake!Winchesters and polar bears on their coins and David Usher and and and *stops self* ...all manner of other nice things.) But yeah, Mondays can go hang. And Sunday too, the lying little fiend that it is, being all, "Oh hey, relax! Don't worry about my friend Monday over here." The jerk.

*HUGS YOU BACK EVER TIGHTER* Missed you too, darling! Hope you had a good weekend! ♥


poisoned_sleep February 25 2011, 01:32:16 UTC
Every time you talk about PMS, I feel extraordinarily grateful that the only side effect I've ever experienced from that time of the month is cramps. And for that, at least, there's Motrin IB.

*hugs you*




bending_sickle March 2 2011, 22:05:42 UTC
To be fair, cramps also suck.

Palermo was fantastic! Delicious food, lovely churches, and lots of other pretty things. (And one whole day of cramps, too, which sucked.)


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