If I got rid of my demons, I’d lose my angels.*

Nov 09, 2011 23:54

Nanowrimo, Day 9: \o/ Finally got to introduce Crowley. Saving most of the snark for tomorrow (broken up with a scene of Kezef), but I think I'm going to enjoy this next bit. There's a lot going on and Crowley's going to be exposition man. Or, more realistically, "Oops, you didn't want them to know that, did you? Oh dear, angel, whatever are you going to do."

Just barely over today's word count. I need to get a good head start this weekend. Why does Novemeber have to end on a week-day?

The invisible creature ran past Icarus again, a little closer this time. It kept circling them, growling that meat-tearing growl, and wherever it ran, the infected hung back.

Movement far on the edge of the clearing caught Chip’s eye. A black-clad figure stepped out from the trees and strolled languidly towards them.

"Dean," Icarus warned, his voice steady and low.

"Yeah, yeah, I’m on it, got the salt rounds right-"

"Hello, angel."

15050 / 50000 words. 30% done!

Links of the Day:
cherry916's Meta Sam going through grief
mrscastielftw's Review Slash Fiction
ash48's Fanvid Fallen - *gross sobbing*
lady_peony's Fanmix More Distant Than Stars
sister_wife's Fanmix And the Blood Just Spills and Spills
smallworld_inc's Fanart Hurt/Comfort Bingo: 25 Drawings
Kimberly Schure's Salute to Supernatural: Chad Lindberg
Lollobrigida47's Video ChiCon 2011: Jared and Jensen Breakfast

misfitse4's Interview Antonia and Lauren

Other Fandom:

obsessive24's Video The All Blacks' Haka
amplificathon's What File Sharing Sites Do You Like/Dislike, and Why?
lucylou's Comic Scaredicted
theweaselking's Art Imagine all the people! ; GIF X-ray of a person swallowing
ursulav's Refusing to Clap for Tinkerbell ; Short Story Never
wondermark's World Fantasy Con (and other upcoming shows) (and a bee video) ; Short Film Trails of Tarnation
extemporanea's Review Snuff by Terry Pratchett
oakenguy's flocked Adventures in food - Oh gods, they inject Penicellium into the cheese! With needles!
Mark Sheppard - A band!
El's Creatures from El

* Tennessee Williams

fandom: behind the scenes, fandom: fic, fandom: art, fandom: analysis, actors: jensen ackles, lj users: ursulav, fandom: fanvids, software, tv: btvs, actors: interviews, books: excerpts, fandom: fanmixes, movies: x men, v: supernatural, nanowrimo, tv: misfits

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