I myself have some scars from a tiger fight.*

Jun 04, 2008 16:46

Long-ass random meme c/o fallen_iceangel
Have you ever seen a movie in a drive-in? If so, what?
No, but I’ve been to several open-air cinemas, the pedestrian kind.

Do you have any pets?
No. Two plants, though.

What color shirt are you wearing?

Name three things that are physically close to you:
Laptop, salad, and tray.

What is the last book you read?
Next by MCrichton, though I’d started re-reading The Time Traveler’s Wife before lending it to Elisa.

Are you or were you a good student?
In high school, I was good. In undergrad, I was medium good. Now, I’m not sure, because there’s no such thing as an ongoing transcript at this university.

What's your favorite sport?
Hose-back riding.

Do you enjoy sleeping late?
Do I ever!

What's the weather like right now?

Who tells the best jokes?
I tend to think of it more as the person is funny and may tell jokes, rather than the jokes themselves are funny. (I have myself at proof: I cannot tell a good joke well.)

What was the last thing you dreamed about?
Oddly enough, I think it was Lost-related. I know I woke up momentarily and thought, I should totally remember that. Maybe write it down. Nah, how could I forget it? Zzz…

Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
No. I bike. And only a few scuffs. (The closest I've ever gotten was the car crash - burst tire - that killed my Grandpa when I was wee. I was in the car in the other car.)

Do you believe in karma?
Yes, but I’d like to know what I did to piss her off so much. Or maybe it’s compartmentalized, like I need to wade through a few years of the bad karma before getting to the rewarding good karma. Or maybe karma’s just a really bitch, kicking you one minute and then totally forgetting you the next. So not really karma-esque. Remember, bad things can happen to good people.

Do you believe in luck?
Good, bad, other people’s…. “Things just happen, what the hell?”

Do you like your eggs scrambled or sunny side up?
Us Spaniards have perfected the art of what you folk call “Sunny Side Up” eggs, which we simply called fried (or, more correctly, “Drowned in and splashed with oil”.) Although scrambled are great, especially with ham or itty bitty sausages or, my favorite, Huevos a la Mexicana (which is slow-fried onions, cilantro and tomato).

Do you collect anything? If so, what?
Coins. Scribbled notes. Icons.

Are you proud of yourself?
I’m proud of my work, sometimes, and vaguely surprised that it was actually me who did it. But proud of myself? No.

Are you reliable?

Have you ever given money to a bum?
An old man in Costa Rica begging on our street, prompted by mom. I’m still surprised she wanted to give him money.

What's your favorite food?
Mom’s Europeanized Curry, Grandma’s Cholesterol-Packed Spaghetti, lasagna, and loads of other stuff. I’ve got a lot of favorite basic ingredients as well, with the onion pretty high up.

Have you ever had a secret admirer?
If I knew the answer to this, the universe would implode in paradox. I’ve been crushed, though.

Do you like the smell of gasoline?
Airplane gasoline. Now that’s good.

Do like to draw?
Yes, though I seem to have stopped for a few years now.

What's your favorite invention?
I’m going to go with fallen_iceangel: Internet.

Is your room messy?
No. The third shelf on my bookcase, however, is horrible.

What do you like better: oranges or apples?
Citruuuuuuuuuus! My precious! (As for apples, I only genuinely enjoy Granny Smiths, all crunchy and sour.)

Do you give in easily?
I’ve been labeled as stubborn by my family… In general, though, with things, I don’t give up (or have exaggerated patience), while with people and discussions, I may tactily withdraw - “Fine, be wrong. See if I care. - or try to demarcate a “we agree on this” line.

Are you a good guesser?
I guess so. I may be wrong.

Can you read other people's expressions?
I think so.

Are you a bully?

Do you have a job?

What time did you wake up this morning?
8 am, hit the snooze, up again at 8:41.

What did you eat for breakfast this morning?
I actually had breakfast today! \o/ I had rooibos tea at home, then went out and had fresh squeezed grapefruit juice, a (gigantic) cappuccino and a croissant. Mmm, food.

When was the last time you showered?
This morning.

What do you plan on doing tomorrow?
A repeat of today, sans hip hop.

What's your favorite day of the week and why?
Sunday’s good. There’s Doctor Who to look forward to (unless the internet hates me) and then Elisa and I seem to be developing a Traditional Sunday Evening. (To make up for our Traditional Tuesday Tea, or T3.)

Do you have any nicknames?
Variations on my given name, but nothing cool.

Have you ever been scuba diving?
I’ve been snorkeling. Fighting that claustrophobic “Omg can’t breathe, can’t breathe” wasn’t cool. Managed to actually breathe by focusing on the sound of said breathing.

What's your least favorite color?
…least? Those horrendous tones that don’t quite know what part of the spectrum they below to or whether they should just crawl back to the bowels of the earth and hide.

Is there someone you have been constantly thinking about?
Have you seen my posts? My little actor-obsessions?

Would you ever go skydiving?
Yes. But I’d need to be in the right mentality.

What toothpaste do you use?
The one Mom left me when she stopped by. That or the “decently cheap but doesn’t look like it’s made of chalk” ones.

Do you enjoy challenges?
Yes, as long as some progress is being made. Big fat lagoons of “What the fuck do I do now?” frustrate me too much.

What's the worst injury you have had?
I had a piece of chicken-wire fence go through my calf when I was wee. That’s pretty much as gruesome as my injuries have gotten. (I have, however, gotten my fair share of bumps, bruises and knocking-out-of-wind.)

What's the last movie you saw?
Understanding Jane or The Bone Collector. For the life of me I can’t remember the last thing I watched at the movies.

What do you want to know about the future?
Are we really fucking up the world as much as we think we are?

What does your last text message say?
Give me 2 minutes and I’m there :)

Who was the last person you spoke over the phone to?

(Also, meme? Splitting our not-really-latin infinatives? Why?!?)

What's your favorite school subject?
English Literature. Art.

What's your least favorite school subject?
Chemistry. Economics. (And Biology that last year with that incredibly bad teacher. Oh, Santos, why did you ever leave us?)

Would you rather have money or love?
Money. I’m doing fine without love. Without money, not so good.

What is your dream vacation?
Right now, going to Ireland, galavanting across the moors with blizzardcake and haunting some cute pubs and even cuter guys, then zooming off to watch a certain production of Hamlet. (And duuuude, that other Shakespeare play they’re setting up, with Captain Jean-Luc Picard!)

In general, a bloody long and white beach with fricking palm trees.

What is your favorite animal?
I don’t play favorites. Besides, they’re all so cool! (Although, East African large carnivores do have a special place.)

Do you miss anyone right now?
Muffin. (Yes, you, Kit-kat.)

What's the last sporting event you watched?
…motorcycle racing on the news last summer?

Do you need to do laundry?
Yes. Bras don’t hand-wash themselves, you know.

Do you listen to the radio?
I used to listen to the radio non-stop, but ever since moving to Spain, and now the Netherlands, where the radio stations suck, or the commercials double suck, I seem to forget I have a radio.

Where were you when 9/11 happened?
Precisely when it happened, I don’t know. When I first heard about it, physics class.

What do you do when vending machines steal your money?
It’s only happened once, when the snicker’s bar didn’t fall, despite the metal coil turning. I moaned a bit then put in another coin for it. (I’d just finished a trans-atlantic flight. I needed sugar.)

Have you ever caught a butterfly?

What color are your bed sheets?
White. Or, more precisely, egg-shell white.

What's your ringtone?
Chopin, which is nice, except that I almost never hear it ring. This is solved by having it almost never ring.

Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Don’t remember who, exactly. May’ve been one of my flat-mates tonight. If not, then my dance instructor earlier today.

Do you have any obsessions right now?
Actor- and character-obsession, remember? The most recent is Ben Linus from Lost. Layers! So many layers!

Do you like things that glow in the dark?
Yes, but sort of also hate them because being near-sighted means I’d never be able to appreciate a fake star-constellation on my ceiling. Hello green blobs!

What's your favorite fruity scent?
Mango. Or citrus.

Do you watch cartoons?
If I ever get around to watching that summarized series fallen_iceangel sent, then yes. As it stands, the last cartoon I watched was Charlie the Unicorn Part 2.

Have you ever sat on a roof?
Our little terrace is a roof :)

Have you ever been to a different country?
Hello, this is me. My whole life has been a series of different countries.

Name three things in the world you dislike:
1) rudeness, 2) irresponsibility, 3) salty licorice

Name three people in the world you dislike:
It takes a lot for me to actively dislike someone, rather than what they’ve done. That said, Shilpa. I’m like Rose on this one: “I’ll never let go!” (If I haven’t gone into the why of this dislike, poke me and I will.) And… Martin Keamey, of Lost. I can’t think of anyone else at the moment I honestly seriously dislike with a passion.

Has a rumor even been spread about you?
I suppose so, although it probably never got back to me. Not that I ever made a big enough splash to cause rumour.

Do you like sushi?

Do you believe in magic?
At times and to a point.

Do you hold grudges?
See the “dislike” question. One grudge. It’s still there. Much like the knife in my back. Kinda stings.

What's worse, panty lines, or a thong hanging out with low-cut jeans?
Thongs. Ugh.

Where is one place you want to visit?
I have waaaay more than one, but New Orlean’s up there on the list.

Do you wear socks when you sleep?
I have, but not as a rule. They tend to slip off anyway.

Biggest accomplishment this year?
Was not pecked to death by the Dodos of Doom, nor entombed in the Pit of Blah.

When you see a horse and carriage in the street, what do you think of?
Horse smell!

(Oh, and a ps to fallen-iceangel: carriage horses usually come equipped with plastic slides strapped to their bums which collect the poo, so it doesn’t end up on the road.)

Are you psychic?
No, but have occasionally been seriously weirded out by “being on the same wavelength” (i.e. thinking about the same thing, or saying the same thing) as other folk.

What are you doing tonight?
This meme.

What is your phobia?
Shark-eat-my-belly-phobia and corpse-in-the-bathtub-phobia. I know there’s a boatload of phobia names, but I defy you to find a name for those.

Do you own an ipod?
Yes. Thank you, Brother of Mine :)

Do you like yellow roses?
Distinctly less than most other roses, but they’re ok.

Do you know anybody who speaks German?
Me! My German classmate! My German teachers! My German-language classmates! That random German dude!

(Seriously, what kind of question is this?)

What is your star sign?
Libra (i.e. the only inanimate object).

Have you ever thrown up on someone?
Not in my memory.

What do you wish for most for your upcoming birthday?
A Good Year.

What kinda cell phone do you have?
The cheapest pre-paid Nokia in stock.

Do you think there will robots in the future?
There already are robots, foo’! (Just not freely available.) And some android-esque things too.

Do you dig gameshows?
Gods, no. I’ve watched a few, even enjoyed a few, but don’t really like them.

Can you do a backbend?
Yes. (Well, not from a standing position - at least, not if I can’t hand-walk my way down a wall.) I can walk like that too.

How about a cartwheel?
I used to, guess I still can.

Can you hula-hoop?
Yes. Mileage may vary.

Can you outrun your mom?
Probably, although she’s damn fit.

When you were young, did you actually believe in Santa?
If by “believe” you mean left him a note and cookies, without giving much thought to the rest of the concept, then sure. Which really means, no, I didn’t believe, just took him for granted and then later forgot about him.

Do you believe in aliens or mystical creatures?
As with magic, at times and to a point. (Look, biologist here. This planet can’t be the only one with life on it.)

Do you hate landline phones?

Wait, what? “Hate”? I though that said “have”. Who hates landlines?!?

Do you know anyone who is an amputee?

Is amputation solely for limbs? I mean, could, say appendices and foreskins count?

How many siblings do you have?
One brother.

Are you afraid of flying?
Ha! I’m the child of the trans-atlantics! (Now paragliding, I might freak out over a bit. Though I really want to do it.)

Current mood?
Getting that old, “Oh gods will this meme never end” mood.

Are you parents married or divorced?
Married, not that does them any good.

What kind of computer do you have?
Song: VAIO. Aka my prescious.

Does your cell phone work underground or out of the country?
Out of the country, yes. It even give me a little "Welcom to this new country" message. Underground, don’t know.

Did you ever run for class president?

Have you ever dyed or bleached your hair before?
Yes, strands.

Can you name all of the presidents?
Of which country, you country-centrist meme?!? (And no. Give me a few listens of Jonathan Coulton’s “The Presidents” and I might.)

Have you ever eaten venison?
Yes, I think so.

Have you ever seen the movie Superbad?
No. Doesn’t even ring a bell (unless that’s the one with the YouTuber, who may or may not be Mr Safety.)

Do you ever give people the silent treatment?
Yes, but more for my sake than theirs. (As in, I can’t deal with you anymore, I’m going to close off now, please leave.)

Which friend of yours lives the farthest away?
lienne beats out blizzardcake and Kit-kat by a couple of cities. But only just.

Have you ever had a wart removed?
Yes. Some with cryosurgery. Seeing a rivulet of blood drip down from your toe all the way to your heel? Impressive, I can tell you.

Has your dad ever told you a sexual joke?

Ever been skinny dipping?

Musicals? Yea or nay?
Judged per musical.

Have you ever had banana flambe?
No. No cooked banana EVER, thanksverymuch.

Ever wanted to be an OBGYN?
If that abbreviation is what I think it is, no.

Can you stand on your head for more than five seconds?
With either a wall or surrounding water, yes.

Do you like the color green?

(Seriously, meme, wtf with these questions?)

What's your favorite book?
Too many to choose, and I’ve answered this question too many times already. (But Good Omens, The Horse and His Boy, East of Midnight, In The Language of Love, to name a few.)

Would you stop watching television if you found out that it caused cancer?
No. It probably does, anyway. (Not that I’ve actually watched TV of late anyway.)

Would you stop watching television if you found out that it made you ugly?
This is where we point and laugh at your lack of Science, meme. Point and laugh.

Would you eat your dog if you had to?
Yes. I wouldn’t even “have” to.

Oh, wait, my hypothetical dog? Eat it? Sure. Kill it to eat it? No.

Do you tan, or burn?
Tan, baby, tan like you wouldn’t believe!

Can you walk on your hands?
Surrounded by water, yes.

Is there a history of cardiac arrest in your family?
Go back far enough and there’s a history for everything in everyone’s family. But no, not that I know of. Diabetes, high blood pressure history on my dad’s, colon cancer and panic attacks on my mom’s. Granted, by “history” I mean, “know of one family member for each”.

Do you watch American Idol?
Hell no.

Links of the Day:
Extended Lost Scene: The Press Release Scene
Alternative Endings to Lost's Season Finale to prevent spoilers
The Aftermath of the Chinese Earthquake in Comic Form (Get some tissues.)
Encyclopedic Collection of Canid Species'Photos on Flickr

* laurelin_kit, metaquoted

news, tv: lost, people: nice, memes, photographs, wildlife, tv: clips

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