The long hiss of departure after departure.*

Mar 21, 2008 17:13

Alright, so I'm 8 hours behind. Buuuut, but wait. I've done laundry and vacuumed. How cool is that? Heh. Spring cleaning, whoot!

And, because spring is here, anyone have any plans for Sunday? Want to go to the park? I'l bring the cyanide-coated peanuts.

Tom Leher, "Poisoning Pigeons in the Park"

image Click to view

Aw man, Lost. The flashback of dooooom that just wouldn't end. Sayid did something us lesser mortals would consider a very stupid and "Oh, you bastard!" thing to do, but since this is Sayid, we'll consider this one of his nefarious plans of being awesome. And then they kick my budding Ben/Rousseau shipping. Kick it dead. :(

Random Thought of the Day:
What the hell ever happened to the Doctor's and Jack's perception-filter key thingies? And should I poke Praxis's author about this?

Random Worry of the Day:
So, if I were to drop-out of this Master's program, what options would I have? Or just, in general, Master's regardless?

I could go to Spain, where my BSc isn't recognized, but I'd rather jump into a Great White Shark feeding frenzy.

I could stay on here and get a job, but I'd only have a BSc and near-to-no Dutch, so there are a few limitations. (While I do have a Teaching-English-as-a-Foreign-Language certificate, it's pretty pointless trying that here.) And getting into nice, big international thingamabobs on the basis of languages, while a possibility, is unlikely.

I could uproot again and shimmy off somewhere else, but of course that's another version of suicide because you don't just move somewhere on a whim and hope to find a job there. Especially when you're me and utterly useless in the work-experience department. Anyway, I'd have to stay in Europe because there's less beurocacy in the way. While that sounds like a wide geographical playing field, let's consider what we actually mean by "Europe". Sure, there's nice countries whose language I speak, but not well enough to work. (Also, why would I move to France? Or Germany? What, play darts with a European map?) And then all those other nice countries in Europe where I can't really go and live and work, like Greece or Italy or Poland (but not Turkey because Greece has veto-power and we all know what that means *grumble*).

So I can a) go to Spain and simultaneously poke my eyes out with a spork, b) stay here, c) go to the UK. Well, alright, maybe France is an option. My German isn't hot enough. (German language. My invisible German man, on the other hand, is smokin'.)

I'd be shiny with the UK. Except London's expensive and, apparently (as per aeolora's recent experience), full of rude folk. So there's Ireland and Scotland. And oh yeah, Wales, but like no. ('Cause it's Wales. It's like the UK equivalent of the Netherlands for Europe. It's there, but not many folk remember, and it's small. Yeah... >.> <.<) But again, I can't just pack up and go. *facepalm*

I don't want to stay here, I don't ever want to go to my beurocratic home-base - and Mexico's so right out I think my passport's past its best-by date - and I can't really go anyplace else. Wonderful! Australia No, no Sickle, bad idea. Also, wrong century for such ideas of "Yay! I'll just go to the colonies and make a life there!" Canada's an option in that I'd love it to be an option, but again, beaurocacy and parents and the whole, "So, you're here. What now?" Gah. *headdesk*

The really annoying thing is that all of this applies whether I stick it out with the Masters or no. (Which by the by, I don't actually want this Masters. And I don't think it'll help me at all, apart from, "Look! Level of education! Whoot!". There's also the whole, not-caring-a-rat's-ass-about-it that kinda sucks out all the fun.

I could always just shimy off to New Brunswick's St-Andrews-by-the-Sea and sell trinkets. It's got fog and a bar, methinks, called "Hole in the Wall". What more could one ask? (Well... Lots. Shush.)

Australia. As far from shit as shit can get and pretty, "Well, you're here. Now you can never leave. Muahahah!" But they've got nasty critters and chocolate is expensive over there and all the plants would be weird and that's just a level of banishment that's a bit too harsh. There are some people I really would like to be able to see on a whim now and then. *drowns under wave of missing folk*

Stupid world, being so big and yet with no decent spot for me. *kicks world* *Californians huddle under doorframes* Sorry.

And, because I'm a responsible lass who does all her work, I think an iconal post is in order. Because nothings says it better than a gazzilion icons in a row. *evil grin* But that'll take some time, and I really ought to do some amount of work before that. So, yeah.

Hope people with Spring Break or Easter Break or someother Noticable Change in Schedule are having fun. Eat chocolate bunnies!

Links of the Day:
ack_attack's Lost after-party
zoethe's post on recent LJ wank
chicklet73's Post: The upside of fandom, part 76 (Doctor Who centric)
harmonyacres' "Better than Masturbation" Cake has coconut (yay!) and pineapple (why, gods, why?!?). Something to try when I get around to not being terrified by our oven. (Which won't happen anytime soon.)
Comic: Garfield (minus Garfield) - an amusing comic-edit.

* Restlessness by Aritha van Herk

fandom: analysis, recipes, comics, tv: lost, tv: doctor who, globo sapiens condition

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