Title: Shoulder to Cry On
Pairing: pre-Kevin/Ben
Rating: G
Summary: Hysterical crying, Kevin would later note, sounded a lot like hysterical laughing.
Notes: I'm having the week from Hell and I just don't feel like I'm doing anything right, so I figured I'd just write it up and get it out of my system. Completely un-beta'd.
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Comments 6
2) Hope your week gets better <3
I liked how you wrote the hurt/comfort in this and how Kevin was still willing to reach out even though he had that whole "I am a guy I don't know how to do this" deal going on. I have to admit, I was really touched the first time I read it that I couldn't exactly think of anything to put in a comment. With most of the silliness that goes on at this comm (not to say that anyone here is without talent, we just do a lot of goofy things), the raw emotion in this was surprising and made for a really unique read. Even if this was short, I think I may have taken something away from it and I feel like I could write more emotional scenes with more confidence just by seeing this example.
I love you, and I hope only wonderful things happen to you from now on. But I'm really glad you got this out of your system. :3
I <3 You.
But Kevin hesitating, and eventually giving in to the instinct to go comfort Ben despite his 'what-do-I-do' feeling was really sweet. Well, more than sweet; it was touching. So great job with bringing in the emotions.
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