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striderismo June 3 2011, 22:10:18 UTC
CURRENT turntechGodhead [CTG] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.

CTG: never knew you trolls had such a sense of humor
CTG: this was seriously hilarious
CTG: so thanks for the laughs i guess


usedwindything June 3 2011, 23:16:34 UTC
CEB: uh...what?
CEB: did i read that right?
CEB: did you seriously just ask me to hurt you?


bemykismesi June 3 2011, 23:18:44 UTC
CCA: i nevver asked you TO hurt me
CCA: i asked if you wwere mad enough to


usedwindything June 3 2011, 23:31:13 UTC
CEB: oh jeez, i don't know eridan.
CEB: i am pretty pissed off but i really just don't like hurting people.
CEB: maybe you should ask dave though, he can probably smack you around a bit if you want.
CEB: i mean if you're into that kind of thing.


bemykismesi June 3 2011, 23:45:04 UTC
CCA: davve wouldnt beat me up john
CCA: hes my friend
CCA: besides its different if its wwith someone wwho hates you


usedwindything June 3 2011, 23:53:17 UTC
CEB: ...
CEB: ...
CEB: woah ok. hold on.
CEB: i never said i hated you.
CEB: i am just angry because you are being kind of an asshole.
CEB: i think you might be taking this the wrong way.


bemykismesi June 3 2011, 23:59:52 UTC
CCA: no john
CCA: i can see that hatred
CCA: i can tell that youre feelins are so black right now
CCA: you dont havve to be modest about it
CCA: really


usedwindything June 4 2011, 00:04:09 UTC
CEB: oh my fucking god.
CEB: you really are hateflirting with me, aren't you?
CEB: dude, you obviously need your glasses checked.
CEB: there is no hatred here, only annoyance.
CEB: and outrage. there was some of that too.
CEB: but no hate.
CEB: no...just. dear god, no.


[filtered] bemykismesi June 4 2011, 00:10:08 UTC
[Takes a minute before you get this message so he can filter it]

CCA: wwell then maybe if you dont hate me
CCA: wwe can forget our differences here and havve a truce
CCA: a pact
CCA: i mean
CCA: im pretty sure you wwouldnt be bad at the red quadrant either


[filtered] usedwindything June 4 2011, 00:15:25 UTC
[It takes a minute or so for a response. Not because he has to filter it, but because John is just THAT disturbed by what he is reading here. He really can't believe it. Eridan, have you no shame?]

CEB: ...
CEB: dude.
CEB: no. just no.
CEB: not interested and not a homosexual.
CEB: besides, i thought you were red or whatever for gamzee.
CEB: jesus fuck, he hasn't even been gone a week!


[filtered] bemykismesi June 4 2011, 00:39:01 UTC
CCA: wwell sure i lovve gam
CCA: but lets face it john
CCA: hes probably not comin back
CCA: there are more fish in the sea
CCA: i just havve to catch them


Re: [filtered] usedwindything June 4 2011, 00:46:31 UTC
CEB: you don't know that.
CEB: everyone who has left has come back.
CEB: dave has come back twice.
CEB: i guess it's good that you are not dwelling on it?
CEB: but still...
CEB: anyway, just keep your fishing rod away from me.
CEB: because, again: not interested.


[filtered] bemykismesi June 4 2011, 01:16:14 UTC
CCA: wwhatevver you say john
CCA: but youre missin out


[filtered] usedwindything June 4 2011, 01:20:02 UTC
CEB: no offense, eridan.
CEB: but i'm pretty sure i'm not.
CEB: but if that helps you sleep at night then feel free to keep thinking that.


[filtered] bemykismesi June 4 2011, 01:29:11 UTC
CCA: john
CCA: im gettin really mixed feelins here


[filtered] usedwindything June 4 2011, 01:37:46 UTC
EB: ...
EB: there are no feelings for you to be getting, eridan!
EB: i don't like you like that!
EB: i don't hate you like that!
EB: one: i already like someone.
EB: and two: now, pay attention because this is the important part.
EB: i.
EB: am.
EB: not.
EB: a.
EB: homosexual.

EB: was that clear enough for you or do i need to spell it our letter by letter?


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