A big wet warm welcome please for my friend jimbaker please

Sep 19, 2011 00:41

Jim has come here to read my gibberish. Please welcome him fair flist before my rantings and rambling reduce his brain to cream cheese!

You'll like it here Jim - the natives rarely bite!

friends, welcome

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Comments 6

lifefailsme September 19 2011, 08:08:56 UTC
Why hello there Jim.

She does bite sometimes.

I have the marks...


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lifefailsme September 20 2011, 07:23:01 UTC

Do you mind eccentric/strange/complainy, Doctor Who obsessed, embittered and jaded northerners? Cos if soi, we should friend :D


beltaneeve September 20 2011, 00:19:57 UTC
Shhhhhhhhh Jamie, you promised not to tell ;-p


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beltaneeve September 20 2011, 00:20:53 UTC
You are very welcome!


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beltaneeve September 21 2011, 19:29:32 UTC
Bien sur mon ami!


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