Studying the Pa-Kua I tried to compare their elements with the elements of a healthy state.
Pa-Kua describe taoist ( Vedic ) knowledge about the correct functioning of the bodies and the links of the bodies in the human body.
On one of versions these interrelations have been revealed by people of ancient vedic cultures to means of long-term supervision over elements of the Nature and functioning of bodies of a human body, under other version this knowledge has been received from representatives of the humanoid alien cultures visiting the planet Earth and helping cultures of the Earth.
There are two types of Pa-Kua - this is :
Pa-Kua Yang :
and Pa-Kua Yin :
Yang - is release of energy ( day, Sun ) and Yin - is receiving of energy ( night, Moon ).
Functional features of each element are similar to features of the human bodies that relate to this element ( see diagram Pa-Kua Yin ).
Fire - Heart and Small Intestine ( Tongue / Vessels )
Earth - Pancreas + Spleen and Stomach ( Roth / Muscle )
Metal - Lungs and Large Intestine ( Nose / Skin and hair of the skin )
Element Heaven ( Triple Warmer ) - is responsible for immunity, the relationship with God and harmonization of three power centres ( Abdomen - Heart - Head )
Water - Kidneys and Bladder ( Ears / Bones and hair of the head )
Mountain - Female Sexual Organ
Thunder - Men Sexual Organ
Wood - Liver and Gall Bladder ( Eyes / Tendon )
From all the foregoing :
( In parentheses are emotional expressions of the Elements )
Fire - ( hatred - Love, Joy, Happiness ) = Parliament
Earth - ( anxiety - Openness, Calm ) = Ecology
Metal - ( sadness - Courage, Acceptance, Justice ) = Court
Heaven - ( Trust, Caring ) = Army
Water - ( fear - Tenderness ) = Police
Mountain - ( Understanding ) = Education and Medicine
Thunder - ( Respect for People ) = Officials
Wood - ( anger - Kindness ) = male and female Citizens
In the Pa-Kua Yang each element transmits energy to the next element ( clockwise ), and in Pa-Kua Yin each element depends on the next element ( clockwise ). Insufficiency or excess of element leads respectively to the insufficiency or suppression of the next element, that leads to an imbalance of the system.
For public entities this means, that the state constract using on Pa-Kua Yang best meets the needs of its citizens and as a result of successfully developing. Pa-Kua Yin describes the effect of the state structures at each other, the state's influence on a whole other state, the planet Earth and Universe.
From the following diagram - * Star of the five elements * you can track more subtle connection between the 5 main elements :
From all it and considering that an organism principal organ is Heart ( Fire element = Parliament ), follows that the optimal state system parliamentary republic on the basis of direct election ( with out party lists ) and direct democracy ( right to referendum ).
All other forms of government are unnatural to the Freedom of the human spirit and unshakable laws of the universe. They lead to the usurpation of power by a narrow range of representatives of oligarchy, the enslavement of сitizens, various forms of genocide and military aggression against other states. The proof of this thesis are slavish - bloody annals of human civilization in the last 12 millennia and prosperity of republics on the basis of democracy Parliamentary Democratic Republic on the basis of Direct Democracy and International Law - such as Switzerland and Iceland - heirs of the ancient Vedic Culture.
It is not difficult to see, that in the above concept of government the church has no place, that certainly is sensible. Religion - is a personal matter of individual and has no place in public administration. From it follows that the church can not be a legal body, land owners, owner of cultural values, and religious propaganda in state offices is unacceptable.
Offer for Revolution International Program
Предложение интернациональной программы Революции is agent of global fascist junta ( CIA - Mossad - FSB ) - proofs of Russia ( Blowing up Russia ) - Pentagon is blown up by white missle - official video 9, 2014
Putler met motherfuckers who have audacity to speak for all Jews and Hebrews. And they agreed to eliminate citizens of Ukraine and Palestine. Freedom for political prisoners ! Down with state terrorism ! Down with fascist junta ! All power to the Constituent Assembly ! Its time to go to open state archives.
We call upon all earthlings to political strike !
Distribute leaflets with a link to our program and an invitation to our actions !
Our resources : Occupy FSB Russia / Оккупай ФСБ Russian Constituent Assembly Russian Revolution Occupy FSB Russia