Happy New Year

Dec 30, 2023 17:44

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Comments 19

_celebrian December 30 2023, 18:37:18 UTC
Thanks for the update Belle! Wow! I feel quite out of the loop. I knew about Yeuxdebleu's stroke, but hadn't known about your bypass surgery or the loss of not_alone. :-(

So glad you are recovering even if the process is slow. Sorry for the loss of your sister. Very sad.

I lost my mother in January so we are approaching the first anniversary of her death. I am sad that she is gone, but glad that her eight-year battle against Lewy Body Dementia is over. It was rough! But, other than that things here are mostly good. We missed Thanksgiving with family because my husband got covid, but I didn't catch it and all three of our kids are here at the moment (though the oldest leaves tomorrow morning).

I hope to see you pop in more. And, thanks for the info about not_alone. I am sad to read it, but it's better to know these things.



bellewood January 4 2024, 23:08:09 UTC
Thank you Cele.. I haven't been here to post an update in way too long so you didn't miss anything as far as I'm concerned. I'm sorry to hear about your mother. It's always hard to lose someone close even though it may be a blessing.

Hopefully I'll pop in more often, though going by how late i am responding to these comments its debatable but I'll do my best. *hugs*


primula_baggins December 30 2023, 19:35:27 UTC

First, I'm so sorry for the loss of your sister. My brother died in August 2022. He was the last of my family and I miss him every day.

Next, it was good that you were taken by ambulance to the hospital. I don't know how it is there but if we go to the emergency room without being in an ambulance, they'll let you sit and die waiting to see a doctor. If you come in an ambulance, you're seen right away .
But still, how scary for you. I'm so glad you're doing a little better.

I didn't know that Not Alone died! I just posted to wish her a happy birthday since she was born on Christmas Day.
What happened to her, do you know?

Thank you for updating us. ♥️


bellewood January 4 2024, 23:20:13 UTC
Hi Prim. I'm sorry i missed your Birthday.. and sorry to hear about your brother. Its not easy as you get older that's for sure.

You're right about the hospital admittance. It's the same here. I heard only today about someone who waited 60hours at a hospital near here only to be sent home in the end. Its really too bad. So i was lucky in a way.

I don't know any details about not_alone I'm afraid. I only by chance saw her son's post on Facebook from way back in March when I went there to wish her a Happy Birthday. I feel sorry that i didn't know at the time. I'm so bad at keeping in the loop. Hopefully I'll do better this year. *hugs*


shirebound December 30 2023, 20:38:01 UTC
I hadn't heard that not_alone passed away, thank you for sharing the news. I send birthday and Christmas cards to yeuxdebleu, and hopefully if anything happens to her someone from the nursing home will let me know.

Belle, I'm so sorry to hear about your sister. *very tight hugs* We lost my sweet and precious sister-in-law in August after a short but valiant fight against ovarian cancer, and it still feels unreal.

And your heart bypass, oh my goodness! If Adam had known, he would have popped in to sing at your bedside. I'm so glad to hear that you're recovering, even if it's taking longer than you might have hoped.

Thanks for remembering us here, and it would be great to see you pop in with more updates.

♥ ♥


bellewood January 4 2024, 23:41:55 UTC
I didn't find out about not_alone until recently when I went to Facebook to wish her a Happy Birthday and caught a post that her son had written with the news months ago. I feel awful that i missed it. The same with yeuxdebleu. I didn't find it about her stroke until months later. I'm so bad at keeping in the loop.

I'm so sorry to hear about your sister-in-law. It's hard when it's someone close to you.

Now if Adam had popped into the hospital to sing to me, I'm sure i would have had a full blown heart attack ;) Nice thought though :D

I'll certainly do my best to keep in touch more often this year. My friends here are THE best *hugs* xx


addie71 December 31 2023, 02:17:25 UTC
Thank you for letting us know about not_alone. I'm so sorry to hear about her and about your sister, too.

How scary about your heart. It's so good they took you by ambulance to the hospital, though. I hope your recovery continues at a nice steady pace.

I hope 2024 is a much, much better year for you.


bellewood January 4 2024, 23:00:42 UTC
Many thanks Addie. And the same to you *hugs* xx


romeny December 31 2023, 16:59:23 UTC
Thank you for the update about yourself and others; yes, it’s hard to keep up with all the news but we all do the best we can.

*Hugs you*


bellewood January 4 2024, 22:59:27 UTC
Many thanks Romeny *hugs*


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