It's nearly Christmas..

Dec 01, 2020 15:22

Hi friends.. I thought i'd try and be a little better at keeping in touch with you all. Only trouble is, i don't really have anything much to post about, and since the whole world has more or less been under house arrest, i've hardly been out through the door. While that hasn't really bothered me that much (i'm quite content with my own company) i ( Read more... )

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Comments 19

shirebound December 1 2020, 16:30:51 UTC
Warm wishes to you as well, Belle! There's a documentary on TV tonight called "The Show Must Go On: The Queen + Adam Lambert Story" which you've probably seen a dozen times, since I have no idea how old it is. I plan to enjoy it and think of you!

My niece's baby is overdue by a few days, so that's all our little family is thinking about. It's lovely to have such a nice distraction from our crazily-tilted world.

*lots of hugs*


bellewood December 2 2020, 07:57:12 UTC
The Show must go on. Yes i have watched it quite a few times ha ha. I love it. It's an excellent portrayal of how Adam came to join the band, and how well he fits in. Brian's 'Gift from God' :D I hope you enjoy it.

Aw, a new baby. How wonderful. Fingers crossed for a safe delivery very soon. xx


primula_baggins December 1 2020, 19:12:26 UTC

You just described me to a T!  I just said to myself yesterday that losing weight would help alleviate a lot of my problems.  Being home so much really makes me eat more too.

Hope to see you back at Christmas time. ❤

I wonder if that ABC show was shown here last night? I guess I missed it.


bellewood December 2 2020, 08:19:53 UTC
Oh dear, so it's not just me who's suffering from the 'stay at home' syndrome. It's not easy is it. No matter how much you tell yourself how much better you will feel, that extra food isn't easy to resist.

Yes, i plan to be back here at Christmas, if not before.

There were a lot of stars taking part in the Disney singalong show. I hope you get to see it.


lijahlover December 1 2020, 22:38:35 UTC
Stay safe and warm. I have been doing the weight gain no energy thing.



bellewood December 2 2020, 08:21:51 UTC
Oh dear.. you too. It's not easy is it. Stay safe. ♥ xx


addie71 December 1 2020, 23:14:20 UTC
I'm fighting hard to keep from putting on the weight, too. I just hope when things are more normal again I can get back to a bit more active lifestyle.


bellewood December 2 2020, 08:23:22 UTC
It's so easy to fall into bad habits when you have nothing else to really think about. The less i try to eat, the more i want.. especially in the evening, watching tv. Good luck. xx


romeny December 2 2020, 14:22:01 UTC
Staying at home more and having less outlets has been tough. I’m pre-diabetic and had to work to get my sugar level down to avoid going on meds but I’m workin hard at it. I feel your pain as I’ve been trying to walk more and eat right. So hard tho!


bellewood December 3 2020, 01:04:43 UTC
I have diabetes type 2, diet controlled. Thankfully at my last check up i was told to keep doing what i'm doing as my stats are fine, which was a relief. It's definitely not easy xx


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