Nicki Bemused I should be a knowledge sim. you can give me whatever secondary you'd like, except popularity (introvert over here), and I have very few concerns over what you do with my simself (married, not married, kids, no kids, whatever is most convenient), except that I'd rather not be a zombie (or at least not always a zombie). For my stats: 4-6 neat, 4-6 active, 3 outgoing, 3-5 serious, 5-7 nice. My simself has blond hair as shipped, but IRL it is lightish brown that looks blonde when high-lighted so if you are the kind of person that puts in recessives, you could give me brown hair with a blond recessive (which I actually do have IRL), my eyes really are dark blue, the recessive would be gray (waves at blond, gray eyed father).
Clothing: Generally pants, usually solid colors, not full of lace or ruffles, practical stuff. If the occasion calls for it, though, I don't have a problem with a skirt. NOT autumn colors other than dark red.
Hair style: My hair is straightish wavy and I usually have it between chin-length and mid-back. (the style in the pic is actually almost exactly how my hair looked last year.)
Thats it. If you want you can comment if you download, even if you've never commented to me before as it might be fun to see my antics, but if you don't want to comment, that's OK too.