If you believe that Members of group X are innately bad - that is to say, intrinsically worse than all other humans, whether the claim be that each individual is flawed, or that a higher percentage is flawed - by virtue of the subgroup into which they are born - then yes, you are a bigot
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Comments 10
I'm afraid to ask, what's going on on the DC boards...
The DC Comics board generally attract a varied demographic that definitely includes the bottom of the barrel. Yesterday it was a man who said he couldn't see why everyone thought his revulsion and low opinion of the moral character gay men was a big deal, since he wasn't killing anyone.
No, junior, that just means that you're not as bad as you *could* be, there's a difference. Whaddya wanna bet this is one of those guys who also hangs out at Stormfront and bitches about how they put Morgan Freeman in a good guy's role and made the bad guys white in Batman Begins?
. I admire you bunches for wading in it all the time; I generally only have the strength to get my rage on once a week.
Oh, I get tired too (altho' sometimes it turns out to be the flu coming on.) It's just that I can't stop *my* rage, it's like being the volcano. Ranting and researching for more ranting is my safety valve; and when I do it online it actually makes some slight potential difference, and I feel less futile and despairing. Don't give me more credit than I really deserve!
I'm a bigot.
I despise religious fundamentalists. I consider them dangerous and ignorant and would love to see them on society's margins where they belong.
I find them presumptuous, as they believe that they have a monopoly on truth-- when they don't.
The only difference between me and the bigots you complain about is that my hated group has some element of choice in what they are. You don't get to choose your ethnicity or skin color. There's some evidence that sexual orientation might be genetically determined. You can, however, choose your religion or lack thereof.
If you choose religious fundamentalism, you will have my contempt and distrust. I will consider you a fool at best, a potential terrorist at worst.
Of course, this is the internet, so "bar nitpickers" doesn't mean a thing...
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