Films About Ghosts (Notes)

Jun 21, 2002 23:42

Notes and Acknowledgements

Holy crap, you guys, I cannot believe that I'm posting my fifth completed spn_j2_bigbang. Like, really. Can't. Five years ago, I was arguing that I just "don't do word counts or long format stories" and here I am. I have actually managed to track events in my life by what big bang I was posting that summer. I mean, COME ON.

Anyway. So. This bit of craziness right here. For the first time since I did "Fool for Lesser Things", I actually went into this big bang back in January with no clue what I would write about. Seriously. You should have seen the hoops this story went through as I jotted down bits of nonsense and random lines and tried to figure out what they wanted to turn out to be. I had a couple things in my head: I wanted to play, mostly. Play with world building, with language and symbolism and details. I wanted to write a dream sequence. I used to write them all the time, and I missed the way they could turn a random detail chosen entirely for aesthetics into something deeper and more meaningful as the story shapes itself out and I can go back and edit. Dream sequences legitimize the use of one of my favorite artistic movements: surrealism. So, you know, hopefully I did those things justice, here.

This fic would not exist without the following people: the brilliantly talented sophiap, whose talent with charcoal puts me to shame, and whose art post you must all go look at now if you haven't, yet; the ever lovely and these-days-constant alpha-type reader-slash-cheerleader butterflykiki, who lets me ramble ideas at her at the wee hours in the morning when my brain is most active and no one else is awake; the fantastic wendy and thehighwaywoman who once again managed to make this challenge work like butter (I'm pretty sure they're sorcerers); the gorgeous and very patient maisfeeka, who has beta-ed every single one of my big bangs so far and yet still comes back for more (next year, next year I'll get all the "lead"s before I send it to you!); and the absolutely amazing and indispensible claudiapriscus, who beta-ed for me for the first time this time around, and without whom this story would pretty much just not have an ending. I ran out of gushing adjectives, but you all are absolutely fabulous and indispensible.

Next year, space opera. I'm telling you.

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fic: films about ghosts

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