Fic: Lost and Found (Bo/Lauren, Pg13, 5/?)

Sep 02, 2011 17:05

Title: Lost and Found
Author: Bella Taggart
Rating: Pg13 for now
Fandom/Pairing: Lost Girl, Bo/Lauren
Spoilers: Up to S01E11
Word Count: About 1200 for this part.
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.
Summary: When Bo comes across a drunken Lauren in a bar, everything she thought she knew about the doctor comes into question.

A/N: Many thanks to Rayne for the great Beta work. All the remaining mistakes are mine.

Lost and Found

Bo rested her head against the tiles in the shower and let the water trail down her back. She closed her eyes, willing the spray to wash away the memories of the last few days.

She had left Lauren’s hospital room and come straight home for a quick change of clothes. Her back ached from dozing off on various chairs and couches for the last two days. Her emotions were so jumbled and strung out that she felt as though they might snap at any moment. And worst of all, she was hungry. Had been since before all this started with Lauren.

She had gorged herself with the food they served in the cafeteria and when that had closed, she had tried to quench her hunger with the greasy snacks in the gift shop. But food had never really helped. It only made her feel sick.  How it was possible to be so full and so empty at the same time she would never understand.  Not for the first time, she wished that her hunger could be turned off with a switch.  It couldn’t. Well, Dyson maybe.  But, she didn’t want to go there now and she was too tired to analyze why.

She closed her eyes. An image of Lauren’s screaming face flashed before her. She snapped them open again. The things she saw were what nightmares were made of and Bo wasn’t sure she’d be able to get over them quickly. Maybe if she could see Lauren well again, not in pain, or even awake for more than a few minutes. That would help.  Then maybe she could sleep for a few hours in peace.

She shut off the water and stepped out of the shower.  The likelihood of that happening was slim, at least for a few more days. That’s what the Ash had said when she questioned him.  Apparently it took Lauren a while to get back on her feet.  It was taking longer and longer each time.  The last time it had taken her a week to get back to normal and that time she had woken up only one day after the ritual. “Only?” Bo had asked incredulously. The Ash hadn’t said anything more, though his silence was telling in itself.

Bo couldn’t help but think that things were going to be worse this time.  This time Lauren had opened her eyes after 43 hours. Even now, almost 3 days later, the few minutes that she was awake she wasn’t fully lucid. She kept asking the same questions, not remembering that she had woken up before and gotten the answers she needed.

“Lara? How long have I been out? You should go home.”

Bo had had the same conversation 3 times now and was getting really worried.  But the Ash assured her that it was normal for the mind to be confused after what it had gone through and that she would be okay.  Bo doubted that very much. Even if Lauren was back to normal any time soon, she wasn’t going to be okay.  A person couldn’t go through what she went through on a regular basis and be okay.

Bo opened the door and nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw Kenzi standing right in front of her. “Jesus! Don’t do that.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Did I startle you cupcake?”

Bo gave her a half-amused look and walked past her into her bedroom.

Kenzi trailed along after her. “So, how was it? Tell me, tell me. Spare no detail.”

“What?” Bo asked, walking over to her closet.

Kenzi jumped onto Bo’s bed. “Your sexy weekend with Dr. Hotpants. What else?”

“I didn’t have a sexy weekend Kenz.”

“Yeah, right. This bed hasn’t been slept in for days now, which means you were sleeping somewhere else, and didn’t you say you were with Lauren?”


“Not that you look like you’ve gotten much sleep, you naughty girl. So how did she get you to forgive her? I thought you guys were all I hate you - I’m never speaking to you again for as long as I shall live blah blah blah.”

Bo pulled on her pants and said in a subdued voice “It’s not like that.”

“It was her hands, wasn’t it? She’s got to be great with them; I mean she is a doctor. I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist them for long. I know you better than you know yourself Ms. Bo.”

“You do, huh?”

“Aha. So tell me, was it good? Was it great? Are you in love again?”

When Bo didn’t say anything but stood there, holding her shirt in her hands with a far away look in her face, Kenzi sat up. “Hey,” She said, stopping the teasing. “What’s going on?”

The gentleness in Kenzi’s voice was Bo’s undoing.  Bo gripped the shirt in her hands and started crying…earnestly crying with heaving breaths and big drops of tears. She slid to the floor and buried her face in her knees.

Kenzi was by her side in seconds. “Hey, hey now.” She pulled Bo into her arms “Shhh, shh.”  She tried soothing the weeping succubus with words like  “It’s okay. You’re okay.” but Bo only cried harder and clung onto her as her body shook with her tears.

Later, when Bo was all cried out, and totally worn out, she told Kenzi about what happened. Not all of it, not in detail, because the things she witnessed were Lauren’s to share, but enough to make her understand.

Later still, she rested her head on her best friend’s lap, and while Kenzi calmingly brushed her fingers along her hair, she found herself losing the battle against sleep and surrendered to her exhaustion.

When she woke up, she was alone in her room and a blanket was draped over her. The way the light hit the walls of her room told her that she had been asleep for hours. She stretched her neck and got up.  It was time to get back to Lauren.

* * * * * * * * *

She walked into the hospital feeling a little better.  A little rest and a little caring went a long way. The crying had released some of the tension that had been building up in her for the last few months, not to mention the last few days. And she felt, if not light, lighter.

The security guard let her through with a nod and a smile, which she returned, and there was no one in the elevator so she was able to get onto the seventh floor without having to make a stop.  Even the hunger in her felt dimmed.  All things considered, things were looking up.

She walked up to Lauren’s door and knocked gently, with the small hope that Lauren might be awake.  The silence on the other side of the door was her answer.  Oh well, she thought, maybe next time.  She turned the handle down slowly, trying not to make too much noise and pushed the door open.  She walked inside and was immediately crippled by a fear unlike any she had experienced in this room before.

The bed was empty.

* * * * * * * * *

lost and found, bo/lauren, 5/?, fic, fanfic

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