Fic: Lost and Found (4/?)

Dec 30, 2010 13:40

Title: Lost and Found
Author: Bella Taggart
Rating: Pg13 for now
Fandom/Pairing: Lost Girl, Bo/Lauren
Spoilers: Up to S01E11
Word Count: About 1500 for this part.
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.
Summary: When Bo comes across a drunken Lauren in a bar, everything she thought she knew about the doctor comes into question.
A/N: Many thanks to both Rayne and Liberated for the great Beta work.

Lost and Found
Part 4/?
Bo jumped back in horror.

Lauren was wailing. Her back arched off the bed, the veins in her throat straining with effort. She alternately pushed and pulled against the restraints on her arms and legs with each spasm of her muscles.

Bo searched the shaman’s face in alarm. She was tense as well but there was no sign of obvious panic there to see. This didn’t appear to be anything out of the ordinary for her. Bo couldn’t bring herself to feel relief, no matter how much she wanted to, at this revelation. This was how it was for Lauren every time…this terrible.

Despite every instinct in her body, Bo sat still. Tense as though she was hanging on the side of a cliff by her fingertips, but still all the same, while Lauren, her skin glistening with sweat, moaned in pain.

Her eyes shut, her head rolling from side to side, Lauren mumbled incoherently. What Bo could make out chilled her to the bone.

“Stop…please…I can’t… please.”

Bo looked up into the Ash’s face. It appeared composed, but she could see that he wasn’t unaffected. Perhaps it was the way his eyes were shut, just a little too tightly for it to be completely natural, or the way his chin stood a little too tense… Bo didn’t know what made her so sure of her assessment but she was certain that The Ash was as uncomfortable as she; only, perhaps because this wasn’t his first time, he was hiding it better.

This strangely made her feel both better and worse at the same time.

As though sensing her appraisal of him, he opened his eyes to stare at her. When he didn’t say anything, Bo looked away.

Lauren was crying now, tears running down her cheeks in abundance, and panting from her body’s exertion.

Bo felt sick to her stomach and thought that she might actually be sick right there and then if this continued for much longer. As powerful and as near invincible as she thought herself to be, Bo realized that she wasn’t strong enough for this. Not even close.

She felt helpless and weak, felt the tears collecting in her own eyes.

She had momentarily accused Lauren of being suicidal. Bo could see now that this was worse than that. Suicide would have at least been more merciful. It would have been over and done with in a moment. A single shot, the thrust of a sharp blade…anything would have been kinder than this. For this was nothing but torture…pure, all consuming, slow-motion torture.

For Lauren to endure all this, the person lying in the bed next to her had to be someone of utmost importance to her. Bo, not for the first time, recognized how little she knew of the woman who had touched her and in the next instant betrayed her. Bo had pushed her away and closed the door on the possibility of having any kind of a personal relationship with the doctor. And with each phone call she refused to pick up Bo had, in her mind, been punishing Lauren for her actions. She had wanted to hurt her…to hurt her as badly as she had been hurt.

Looking at her now, Bo could clearly see that Lauren didn’t need to be punished and she definitely didn’t need to be hurt. She was already taking all the pain a person could take, and more.

Bo had been cruel…and stupid. On top of all that Lauren went through on a regular basis, willingly for someone else’s benefit, Bo had purposefully hurt her. Yes it had been an act of self protection on Bo’s part. And no, she hadn’t known about all this pain, but that didn’t change the end result. Bo had judged and dismissed too quickly, too harshly, and robbed both Lauren and herself of a chance at happiness when happiness was sorely lacking in reserve.

For minutes, though it seemed so much longer, for every second seemed to slow and stretch, Lauren writhed in agony. And when it seemed like it couldn’t get any worse, she pushed herself up, twisted to the side and with wide bloodshot eyes, looked right into Bo’s eyes and begged “Help me!”

Bo, horrified, felt her body begin to rise only to be stopped by the Ash’s firm grip on her arm.

“Stop.” He commanded. “You can’t interfere.”

“I can’t just sit…”

“It won’t be long now.”


“We can’t help her now Child. She needs to finish.”

Her tears fell. “I can’t stand it.”

His grip loosened, but he didn’t let go. Instead he reassuringly and, Bo realized for the first time, almost like a parent, commanded.

“You have to. For her.”

Bo remained stuck between standing up and sitting down for a long moment, looking into his eyes. There was not a single shred of doubt there, or malice…only a silent strength for the woman who couldn’t be strong now.

Bo allowed herself to fall back down and shut her eyes. She breathed deeply, trying to find some semblance of calm amongst the unbearable sounds coming from Lauren. The howling. The screaming. The shouting. The weeping. It was the begging that was the worst. Lauren cried out for anyone that could possibly lend a helping hand in easing her suffering…for her mother, for God, for the Ash, for Bo. , It was Bo who had to suffer with the knowledge all the while that no one could…on Lauren’s own order.

Certain that she would be haunted by all that she witnessed today for a long time to come, Bo did something she hadn’t done since she’d been a teenager. She started praying.

And after a long while, the shaman stopped chanting as her hand traveled to the center of Lauren’s chest, hovering above it. Her fingers curled in, turning the appendage claw-like in its appearance. The black of her eyes turned white and Lauren’s body started convulsing as a very delicate string of light started flowing out of her. It was as though the shaman was sucking the life force right out of Lauren and collecting it in the palm of her hand, while Lauren’s whole being fought against it…and lost.

The rattling of the bed fell silent with the last of Lauren’s energy draining out of her. And then with a final gasp Lauren fell back onto the bed, blissfully unconscious.

* * * * * * * *

The first time Lauren opened her eyes, all she saw was white…blinding bright light that hurt. She heard the speeding beep of a heart monitor and shuffling feet beside her.

“She’s coming to.”

A familiarly soft hand took hers. “Lauren can you hear me?”

“Step back please.” She heard the order.

“Lara?” She managed to croak.

The Ash’s blurry face appeared in front of her, “She’s fine. It worked.”

And then, all she saw was black.

* * * * *

The second time Lauren woke up it was to darkness. A small light was coming from a far corner and the room was almost too silent. She tried taking in her surroundings, but lacked the strength to do anything other than roll her head to the side. Even that small bit of movement brought pain along with it and she moaned in protest.


Someone was squeezing her hand again. Though she knew the touch couldn’t have been gentler, she still winced at the contact. As soon as she did, the hand let go.

“Sorry.” Bo’s face came into her line of sight; out of focus, but Bo all the same.

Lauren could barely keep her eyes open, let alone maintain any kind of eye contact. Her whole body felt raw and uncomfortable and her mouth was so dry that it hurt to swallow. “Water,” She rasped.

Next thing she knew there was a straw pressed against her lips. She sucked a mouthful and almost choked when it proved to be too much too fast.

“Easy,” Bo coaxed.

Lauren pulled back from the straw and breathed deeply, trying to ease the pain in her chest. She wanted more but knew she couldn’t handle it just yet.


“Hmm.” She tried to focus on Bo’s eyes. “Lara?”

“She’s okay. The Ash said that it worked…she’s gone home, I think.”

Lauren’s body sagged in relief. Lara was all right. She would be all right now.


She was startled awake. “Hmm?”

“You want to go back to sleep?”

“No.” She rasped. She wanted to stay awake but could already feel her body starting to pull her under. “How long…”

“How long have you been out? A little more than two days.”

Bo sounded tired.



“You can…go.” Her eyes closed, “I’m okay.”

“Don’t worry about me. Just rest.”

* * * * * *

lost and found, lost girl, bo/lauren, fic, fanfic

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