Fic: Lost and Found (3/?)

Dec 22, 2010 16:42

Title: Lost and Found
Author: Bella Taggart
Rating: Pg13 for now
Fandom/Pairing: Lost Girl, Bo/Lauren
Spoilers: Up to S01E11
Word Count: 3560 for this part.
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.
Summary: When Bo comes across a drunken Lauren in a bar, everything she thought she knew about the doctor comes into question.

A/N: Thank you so much to Liberated for helping me out with the beta work.

Lost and Found
Part 3/?

The first thing Bo noticed as she walked out of the elevator was the big sign hanging above a pair of sliding doors. It read “Restricted” in bold red letters.

The second thing was the inquiring eyes of a nurse sitting behind a desk, turned her way. “Restricted area ma’am.”

“Maybe for some,” Bo said casually, walking up to the desk. “But I’m here to see Dr. Lewis. The Ash sent me.” She sounded confidant.

The woman didn’t skip a beat, “Your authorization code please.”

So this was definitely the right place.

“Of course.” Bo smiled, holding out her hand. “Can I have your pen? I’ll write it down for you. ”

When the woman moved to give her the pen, Bo took a hold of her hand instead. Her power flowing out of her she moved behind the desk bringing their bodies closer. “On second thought,” she whispered, feeling the woman start responding to her touch, “Maybe, we could just forget about the code.”

“Oh,” The woman gasped, her pupils dilating, her cheeks blushing. “I-I’m not supposed to do that.”

“I’d be very,” she blew on her ear, making the woman squirm “very grateful.”

“I don’t know. I could get into real big trouble.”

“No trouble.” One hand traveled to the small of the woman’s back, the other to her neck. This position brought them so close together that Bo could feel the woman’s heaving chest against her own. “I promise.”

“Okay,” the woman breathed. She was at the point where Bo could have asked her to strip naked and walk outside and the woman would have done it. Bo could feel her power reigning over her, she could practically taste it. She loved the feeling, but Lauren needed her and despite the temptation of having a little taste of this woman’s chi she needed to go.

“Open” She whispered. When the woman started opening her legs, Bo let her hand travel to the woman’s outer thigh to stop her, “the door.” She clarified, grinning.

The nurse nodded absentmindedly, and passed her key card through a reader. It beeped once and the doors slid open.

“Thank you” She said, pulling back.

Disappointment flashed through the woman’s face, “You’re leaving?”

Bo smiled sweetly, “For now, but I’ll be back. Will you wait here for me?”


“Thank you.”

The doors closed behind her. She walked slow enough to take in her surroundings, and fast enough to not be considered out of the ordinary. There were rooms on both sides of the wide corridor. Some doors open, some firmly shut. From what she could make out of the few glimpses she got, there were definitely some occupants here that were other than human. But then, that’s what she had been expecting.

She kept her eyes open, looking for any sign that could lead her to Lauren. She was contemplating her options when a man in a white lab coat passed by her. Covering her anxiety she smiled in greeting and kept walking. When the man mirrored her gesture, she sighed a breath of relief.

This wasn’t the most clever or safe way to be searching the area, out in open sight, and she knew that just because one man didn’t stop to ask any questions didn’t mean that others wouldn’t.

She needed to get out of the main hallway. Just as she was considering knocking on doors one by one, she spotted one of the Ash’s thugs. Following him brought her into another corridor, a smaller one this time. And when he took a turn and walked on she slowed her steps to check that her way was clear. It wasn’t. There he was the Ash himself right around the corner. She pulled back, bringing her back to the wall, hoping she hadn’t been spotted. When no rushing steps came her way, she chanced looking again.

The Ash was talking with a large woman dressed in colorful cloths. She had feathers coming out of her hair and a tattoo covered most of her face. Her eyes, dark like her skin, shone brightly even in the well-lit space. The necklace she was wearing was heavy around her neck, with big pieces of carved ornaments hanging off it, matching the ring in her ear. Though instead of hanging, the ring was sitting in the woman’s lobe, stretching the hole wide enough that a finger could have easily passed through it.

Bo winced, thinking of the pain that must have caused,Though it didn’t look like it hurt anymore. The woman seemed far from pain, in fact she was calm and relaxed, surprisingly so. Bo didn’t imagine many people faced the Ash with this much ease. This led her to believe the woman to be a fae of significant power.

Bo tried to listen in on what they were saying, but she couldn’t make out the words. She was pretty sure that they weren’t talking in a language she could understand anyway.

After another moment of conversation the couple turned as the door behind them opened. Bo held her breath as she watched Lauren step out to join them. She was wearing a navy satin robe, a pair of slippers and nothing else. No panty line, no bra. No jewelry, not even the Ash’s necklace. Her hair was wet, as though she had just come out of the shower. Her robe clinging to her body in various dark spots confirmed that thought.

Lauren and the shaman woman both bowed to each other in greeting. She asked Lauren something and Lauren answered in the woman’s language.

Bo cursed her luck. Of course Lauren would know how to speak whoknowswhatcha.

Then very casually, as though he had every right to do so, the Ash put his hand on Lauren’s shoulder. Bo was pretty sure that had she had Dyson’s power, she wouldn’t have been able to control her transformation at that sight and would already be biting on that hand. As it was, she had to calm herself from going succubus on his ass.

“Get prepared,” He said, rubbing his thumb over her shoulder. “We will begin shortly.”
Lauren nodded like the good obedient girl that she was. Bo felt ready to snap. Before she could move, the Ash dropped his hand and moved away, taking the shaman with him. Lauren looked after them, then turned and walked back into the room.

Bo waited another moment, making sure that the coast was clear, and then in three quick strides she crossed the hall and let herself into Lauren’s room.

There were two beds inside. One was empty. In the other slept a pale woman.
Lauren was sitting next to her in a chair, her back to the door, holding the woman’s hand to her lips.

Bo felt a pang of jealousy at the sight.

“I just need a minute.” Lauren said without looking up, her voice subdued.


She jumped at the familiar voice, turning to face Bo, her eyes wide with alarm.

“Bo, you can’t be here!”

“Get dressed, we’re leaving.” Bo ordered, locking the door behind her.

“What? No!”

“Lower your voice, you’re going to wake up your friend.”

“She won’t wake up. She’s under.” Lauren rushed to Bo’s side, “What are you doing here?”

“I came to get you out.”

“No Bo, you need to leave. The Ash is going to be here at any moment. He can’t see you here.” She reached behind Bo and unlocked the door.

“Fine, let’s go.”

“No, I’m not coming with you.”

“Look, I don’t know what kind of trouble you’re in but this isn’t worth it.”


“I know that we’ve had our differences lately and I haven’t exactly been a...friend. But you could have come to me with this, I would have helped you.”

“Bo, you don’t know what you’re talking about, please leave.”

“I know what you’re doing here.”

Lauren stumbled at that. “You do?”

“Yes. And I’m sorry but I’m not going to just stand by here and watch him milk you for life like some life cow.”

Lauren took a hold of Bo’s arm and pushed her into the bathroom. “You’re unbelievable.” She locked the door behind them and crossed her arms.

The move stretched the material of her robe and Bo lost her focus as her eyes traveled to her breasts, suddenly distinctly aware of how little Lauren was wearing.

She cleared her throat, trying to get back on track. “I don’t know what you owe the Ash Lauren, and I’m sure it’s big enough that you agreed to this but you’re not some pawn on his chess set that he can move around as he pleases.”

“I think you should stop with the metaphors now.”

“Fine. But you know what I mean. You don’t have to do this for him Lauren.”

“For him? You think I’m doing this for him?”

“Well, aren’t you?”

“God,” Lauren shook her head, feeling her worry turn into anger. “You’re so arrogant. You think you know everything but you don’t. You have no clue… Just throwing yourself into things you have no understanding of. Diving in head first no matter what the consequence,for you or anyone else... Things don’t work that way Bo. You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Then tell me.”

“Now you want to listen?” She asked incredulously, “Half an hour ago you weren’t even talking to me and now you want me to tell you the secrets of my life. No.” She shook her head, “That’s not going to happen on your timetable. Just because you’ve decided that now you want to know...No. I might be a slave, but I’m not your slave.”

Bo winced at the word, “That’s not what I meant.”

“Then what did you mean?”

“Lauren, please.” Bo begged, holding Lauren’s arms, “I didn’t come here for this.”

The sincerity of Bo’s voice pulled at Lauren’s heart and just as quickly as her anger had flared, it dissipated. She took a moment to collect herself and when she spoke her voice was soft again.

“Then why did you?”

“To save you.”

“Oh?” Lauren raised an eyebrow “What are you supposed to be, a prince on a white horse?”

Bo gave her a crooked smile, “’cess.”

Despite herself Lauren chuckled.

“I’m not going anywhere without you.” Bo insisted, softly.

“Listen to me Bo, there’s been some kind of a misunderstanding.” She ran her hand through Bo’s hair trying to sooth, both her and herself. “There’s no reason to save me. I’ve been doing this for a while now.”

“Every three months for years. I know.”

Lauren’s eyes widened in surprise momentarily, then she recovered. “Then you know that I’m fine. I’m always okay.”

“You’re donating life Lauren, whatever that means. There is nothing okay about that.”

“No. Well, yes but...when you say it like that you make me sound suicidal.”
Bo didn’t say anything, just looked at her with a question in her eyes.

“Oh come on,” Lauren protested, “I’m not suicidal Bo. I promise.”

“Then what’s going on?”

“I...” She began, and stopped. She didn’t know how to explain it without sounding crazy. She tried again, “Look, first of all, the Ash isn’t making me do anything. You have a very warped view of him, and some of that is my fault but you’ve got to believe me when I say that I am here of my own free will.”

Bo doubted that very much but she nodded anyway, urging Lauren to carry on.

“Secondly, I’m not giving away my life...I mean I am but, a very small part of it. And it’s mine to give; you have no say on this matter, no matter how much you may wish otherwise. This isn’t your fight to fight Bo.”

“I know that, but are you fighting it?” Bo asked, frustrated. “’Cause you don’t look like you are. You look like you’ve already given up.”

Lauren lowered her eyes. “Believe me I’ve tried every other alternative. This isn’t something I want to do, it’s something I have to...I don’t have time to explain this to you now, you need to leave Bo.”

Bo put a finger under her chin, making her raise her eyes back up again.

“We can figure out a way together,”

Lauren would have given just about anything to have Bo look at her, touch her, speak with her this way just a few weeks ago. And still, it was so tempting to fall under her spell, to take cover under the shelter she was offering.

Bo smiled tightly, “I owe you at least that much.”

But Bo hadn’t, then. She was doing so now because she feared for Lauren’s life. When all was said and done there was more humanity in this succubus then there were in most humans. Which was one of the things Lauren loved best about her. Her intentions were noble. Lauren could see that, but they were also useless. There was no shelter to be had when it never stopped raining. Sooner or later, you had to walk home.

“I appreciate that,” Lauren said, with finality in her voice. “I do. And your coming here means a lot. And maybe some other day, some other place we can talk about this, but not now, not here.”

“What if I said...?”

The sound of the door creaking open in the room had Lauren clamping her hand against Bo’s mouth, muffling her words.

“Lauren?” The Ash’s voice came from the room.

In a voice as close to normal as she could manage Lauren answered, “I’ll just be a moment.”

“When you’re done, please tell your friend to come out with you.”

Lauren bit her lip as though she was stung. Bo gave her an ‘are you serious’ look under the hand covering her mouth.

Lauren rolled her eyes, and let go of her. “I will do the talking.” She whispered, raising a finger in warning. “I’m serious Bo, not one word. And as soon as he dismisses you, you’re out of here.”

“Dismisses me?” Bo repeated, affronted.

Lauren gave her a cutting look that had Bo backpedaling almost immediately.

“Aye aye captain.” Bo saluted, exaggeratedly.

Lauren looked worriedly at her for a moment, and then, running out of options, opened the door.

They trailed after one another into the room. Lauren walking gently enough to almost be considered tiptoeing, and Bo with as much bang to her steps as possible. If she had been a cowboy, the rowels behind her boots would have been spinning. As it was Lauren thought, she looked ready for a dual. She wished not for the first time that Bo had more of a sense for self preservation.

“Hello there,” The Ash greeted Bo.

Bo, hooking her thumbs into her jean pockets, nodded. “Hey.”

“I’ve never known you to bring a friend to these rituals Lauren.”

“She was just leaving.”

“Hmm.” The Ash walked over to the windowpane, taking his time. So much time in fact that Bo wondered if she had been “dismissed” and hadn’t realized it. With a head gesture she asked Lauren if she should go.

Lauren shook her head quickly and turned towards the Ash.

He leaned against the window and faced them again. “I hadn’t realized you were this close.”

“She was just bringing me some...”

“We’re lovers.” Bo declared suddenly, defiantly, not liking the way he was intimidating Lauren with his questions and his monotone voice.

“Bo.” Lauren gasped, her eyes going wide at the lie.

“Then again you knew that.” Bo added, daring him to contradict her.

The Ash simply chuckled.

“Would you like her to stay for the ritual then, Lauren?”

Bo looked up hopefully, at the same moment Lauren cried, “No!”

Lauren cleared her throat,” No,” She repeated, more gently this time, “Thank you,”

“I realize that it is quite a difficult ordeal for a loved one to bare witness to.” The Ash said, his voice its usual raspy-ness.

Lauren ignored the weight of Bo’s eyes on her, and gave a tight-lipped smile to the Ash.

“However,” He continued, “I think it would be rude of us to ask her to leave, when she has gone to all this trouble of getting into this room just to be here with you.”

Bo watched as the gently disguised command registered across Lauren’s face. The initial shock quietly left its place to hurt and hurt to sadness. Lauren met Bo’s eyes momentarily and Bo felt herself fill with dread at the sight of the anguish in the other woman’s eyes. And then the anguish was gone, replaced with resignation and finally an emotionless, unreadable blankness.

Lauren lowered her eyes before the Ash, “As you wish.”

“Good.” The Ash smiled.

Bo wanted to rip it right off his face.

“Hey,” She said, suddenly wanting to leave more than anything. Lauren obviously didn’t want her there, and it was all good when they were negotiating it themselves, but she didn’t want to make her do anything against her will, especially not with the aid of the Ash’s forcing hand. “I actually have some place I need to be, so if you don’t mind I’ll be on my way.”

The Ash turned cold eyes on her, “I insist.”

Bo felt her muscles tensing. She opened her mouth to tell him exactly what he could do with his politely phrased commands, when Lauren spoke up, “It’s okay Bo.” She said, reassuringly, granting her the access she hadn’t been willing to give before.

Bo held her eyes a moment, not knowing what to do. She didn’t want to intrude, she felt guilty about ever having suggested she stay, she didn’t want to hurt Lauren by staying. When Lauren smiled at her understandingly with the smallest curve of her lips, Bo relaxed abysmally and nodded.

“Let’s begin.” The Ash announced and the shaman woman walked into the room as if on cue.

The Ash took a seat on the two-person couch and patted the spot next to him. “Come, sit by me.” He said, catching Bo’s eyes. Bo did as she was told without pause, not wanting to make things any more difficult for Lauren.

“I will be overseeing the ceremony.” He instructed, “Once the ritual has started there can be no interruptions until it is finished. No matter what happens, the circle cannot be broken, unless you want irreversible harm to fall onto its occupants. Do you understand?”

“I do.” Bo confirmed, watching the shaman mark the floor, creating the said circle around the two beds. She lit a bundle of inscents and started shaking it with every step she took.

“Ready?” The shaman asked Lauren, with a heavy accent.

Lauren nodded. She bent over the unconscious woman on the bed and placed a long kiss on her forehead. Straightening up, she turned towards the Ash and nodded. He mirrored the gesture, looking sincere and somewhat caring for the first time. Then Lauren caught Bo’s eyes, “Tell me that you will stay there, no matter what I may say or do once the ritual starts.”

“I will stay here.”

Lauren nodded, seeing the promise in Bo’s eyes. There were also other things there, only Lauren couldn’t afford to linger on them. She needed all the resolve she could get to go through with this, and the worry in Bo’s eyes was already weakening whatever she might have had to begin with. She wanted to say more but couldn’t bring herself to utter one more word so she offered Bo a final smile and turned away. She gave Mabula the go ahead, and pulled on the sash holding her robe together. It gave way easily. She felt Mabula’s nails on her shoulders, as she helped her out of her robe.

She heard Bo inhale deeply and ask, “Does she have to be naked?”

The Ash silenced her with a “Sshh.”

Lauren lowered herself onto the bed. She might have laughed if she wasn’t so bone chillingly afraid of what was to come. So much for all that liquid courage she thought gloomily, not feeling relaxed or mellow at the slightest. On the contrary, she felt wide-awake and alert. Seemed, fear induced adrenalin was an absolute cure for drunkenness.

She closed her eyes, said a silent prayer, and tried to meditate.

Bo watched as the shaman locked the bed restraints around Lauren’s wrists and ankles. She hadn’t noticed them before, and felt herself getting warier with each passing minute.
She looked away, not wanting to see Lauren this way. She covered her eyes just enough so that all she could see was Lauren’s head, resting on her pillow.

“I’m ready.” She heard Lauren say, her voice shaky.

The shaman started chanting in some tribal language, and the circle on the floor started glowing with magic.

“It has begun.” The Ash announced.

Bo braced herself for whatever was to come. After all the warnings, she was fearing the worst and preparing herself for nothing short of possessions. But nothing of that sort happened. In fact, the more time passed the more relaxed Lauren became. The shaman pushed fingers onto what Bo assumed, was pressure points on Lauren’s body in various intervals and chanted which seemed to move Lauren deeper and deeper into a sleep state.

And nothing happened. That is until Lauren started screaming.

* * * * * * *

lost girl, bo/lauren, fic, lost and found 3/?, fanfic

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