Title: Trapped II
Characters: Gwen, Owen, Jack, Tosh, Ianto, Rhys, Dav
Summary: Set a short time after chapter 1. Gwen and Owen are up to their old tricks but a night out for the Torchwood team brings an unsettling encounter for Gwen.
Rating: PG-15 for implications of slash and language.
Trapped II )
Comments 2
Oh,a nd if I may add something that kinda spoilt this chapter for me... this line:
But Rhys didn’t know about retcon and to him his friend had had too much to drink.
I don't know, it's just felt like too much, an unnecessary sentence. Am I making sense here? And please don't think I'm trying to be a picky bitch, I just like this story and this particular sentence stood out as an unthought through one.
*off to read more*
You have a good point!
Thanks for reading :D
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