(no subject)

Jun 06, 2006 10:08

This is definitely the looniest fandom thing I've done in a while. But hey, this is Livejournal, so what the hell! But you don't need to tell me I'm crazy. I know I'm crazy. When you tell me I'm crazy I just get all momentarily self-conscious.

Anyway, back when School Reunion aired I had this moment where the Doctor reminded me of Mal. Something about the way they both fail so miserably at keeping the people in their lives at a safe emotional distance. I've been tinkering with this picspam every since, but I really just need to post the damn thing before it gets so big LJ refuses it.

Ten vs Mal?
I'm not about to say they aren't different men. They are. Both in substantial and superficial ways. I'd say the biggest fundamental difference is that Mal is a reluctant hero (post-war, at least) whereas Ten openly embraces his status rescuer of the universe. Mal's just trying to get by and the hero-ing just sort of happens. Though, Mal will seek out trouble when an injustice is brought glaringly to his attention. Similarly, Ten is happy with his role as perpetual traveler (though he occasionally mourns his inability to have a simple life), whereas Mal probably wouldn't mind settling down on a nice farm somewhere as long as it was on his terms. Mal is the more traditionally violent of the two, whereas Ten will search long and hard for a solution sans guns. Ten will talk your ear off, and half of what he's saying he's making up, while Mal only says what needs to be said. Mal is not nearly as dorky as Ten. Ten is most definitely more of an upstanding education buff than Mal. Mal's not so much with the religious tolerance as Ten. And on a superficial level, they're about as different physically as two men can be while still existing within the realm of the painfully pretty.

But there are similarities between them, as well. Both men took part in a war that essentially rendered them without home or family. As a result they're both in constant flux and live very much in the moment. Both have been deeply effected by loss throughout their lives, and consequently attempt to keep their emotions in check and their loved ones at a neutral distance. However, both men fail miserably at this and often express strong emotions and undeniable affection for their make-shift families. Hell, they can both be downright touchy-feely at times. Despite the darker elements of their personalities, both men have an immense appreciation for life and take pleasure in simple things. They're both classicaly good men who wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice their lives for their beliefs, or the people they love. They can both be impressively ingenious or completely daft. They're also both a teensy bit phychotic. They're hot-blooded. They fly by the seat of their pants. They can be infuriatingly stubborn, immature, impatient, self-righteous, and mean-spirited. But they can also be soft, compramising, patient, nurturing, and charming. As for their superficial similarities, of which there are many, I think the images say it best:

The home away from home.

The dark brooding element.

The bit about them both having companions really is my favourite.

Companions who's hearts they've broken. Not that the emotional turmoil isn't reciprocal.

They're both handy in tight situations.

They're both adorable when nervous. Er, wait a minute...

They both enjoy danger a little bit too much.

They've both fallen for that old trick.

And this one. Well, Ten learned from his mistakes. *glares at Mal*

I love that they've both died and been brought back to life.

And they both occasionally need a little help from their friends.

Did I mention the bit about the companions? Cause, yeah, that's still my favourite part.

They've also both been known to perplex said companions.

They're both good to have around if you happen to be dying. Well, I guess not considering Mal is the reason Tracey is dying, but still.

They're both slightly dorky about their toys.

They're both in touch with their feminine side.

They may leave you stranded, but they'll come back! Just, you know, wait five and a half hours ;)

They're both capable of mercy, though not so much with the second chances.

They both share that nervous head-touching habit. Wait... There should really be a whole seperate spam comparing all the adorable aspects of Ten and Simon. They're both doctors, afterall!

They've both momentarily strayed from their companions. With prositutes. Who ended up dead.

They share a slightly wicked sense of humour.

But they're both total softies on the inside.

And find enjoyment in activities others might find uncomfortable.

They're both really good at raging. And look pretty while doing it.

Aaand they're both just a wee bit pshycotic.

I. Love. You. Three words. It's not that hard. I love you. TRY IT.

Come on! They both wear long brown coats! In fact, aside from changing their shirts they both pretty much always wear the same thing.

They're both famous in fandom for certain tight pieces of apparel.

They're both happiest when their companions stick around.

They both love their ship.

And here's a bunch more because I just couldn't resist:

Feel free to agree or disagree in the comments. I love a healthy discussion. Or, you know, just oogle the pretty boys. Whatever floats your boat.

- Dr. Who DVD caps from _jems_, avi caps from me and chaotic-creative.com.
- Firefly caps from _jems_ and still-flying.net.

PS. Today I learned that I lose at tables. I need to work on that.

f: firefly: picspam, f: when fandoms collide, f: picspam: comparative, f: doctor who: picspam

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