Title: Falling in Love in New York City - 11 / ?
Genre: Romance, drama, AU.
Pairings: USxUK, slight FrUK.
Rating: NC-17 / M
Warnings: Language, sexual content, adult themes such as infidelity, alcohol and some drug use.
Summary: Arthur Kirkland had only intended to dance away his stress and haunting past; never would he have thought in a million
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Comments 4
And no, you better not drop this precious baby until you're done >3< !!
Awawawaaaa~ Arthur made a step! That's going to be something :V For a moment I was afraid he might still choose Francis 6____9 Poor Marco having to work double shifts. Had a few of those and definitely not fun. They never fail to kill my mood for the rest of the day, not a good thing when I have to deal with customers as well.
Good to see you back!
I'm glad that you're back and I really enjoyed this chapter. I look forward to more in the future!
so happy to see this updated :)
and teehee, as a west coaster who has spent but a little bit of time in new york city--this is a great way to refresh my memory on the different boroughs and stuff :)
So glad Arthur has made that step, hope his date with Alfred goes well!!
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