Title: Switching Sides
Fandom: Tamora Pierce
Character/s: Sarai Balitang, Zaimid Hetnim
ficlets100 Prompt: 065 - alone
tammy_drabbles prompt: 110- switching sides
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
What if she just stopped resisting? What if she stopped fighting? It was a horrible thought, but what if Sarai really did give in and marry Dunevon. She’d be surprised if he lived very long. Mithros, she doubt that she’d live very long.
And what of her blossoming romance with the foreigner - Zaimid. The kind, gentle and awful flirt that was Zaimid. Maybe Ferdy would still flirt with her when she was Queen.
No, Sarai decided. I’ll not take any of this. It’s my life and I shouldn’t be a puppet in Rubinyan and Imajane’s games. I’ll make my own decisions.