Title: Untitled 1
Rating: G
Genre: drabble, fluff
Pairing: it be Junda (again)
Ueda sighed heavily as he eyed the other in the corner of the sofa. The sounds of Taguchi's PSP were distracting him and he couldn't concentrate on the article in National Geographic. The occasional shouts "Die!" that came from the taller guy's mouth didn't help either. Ueda
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Comments 10
The second one was interesting in it's insight. I think you really hit the nail on the head with it. I can definitely imagine any member of Johnny's Entertainment having such internal thoughts. Your imagery is beautiful.
Great job. I really love them both. <3
not exactly my type
but I liked them very much
JunDa is really cute^^
Другото не влияе добре на сдуханото ми настроение, не ми се коментира *сдууу~х**псува новия чаптЪр* пък и заради тва съшуту настроение не ми се и пише на английски... или това е защото днеска учих....anyway
The occasional shouts "Die!" that came from the taller guy's mouth didn't help either.
тва е total win XD *спомениии~*
Сега ли трябва да ти напомня за всички други неща, които трябваше да пишеш?
И че Junno трябва да краде.... ТИЯ МЕСЕЦИ!!!
И така....
Не, сериозно, какво друго трябва да пиша?
И Джун-джун какво ще краде? :D
сама иска сама си си виновна...
да не се впускаме в подробности за всичките пъти които си казвала 'са ше напиша фик за еди кво си' и да отидеме направо на прасковите и книгата която тряаше да прочетеш...
i love junda,! zeee awesomeness, thanks for sharing.
even though it was short, it was worth it.♥
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