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Comments 8

frecklestars March 13 2011, 15:05:41 UTC
I've noticed the difference between facebooking and LJing as well; I keep in touch with more people on facebook, but on LJ I feel like I can get closer to people.

Try not to worry about school (which I know is near impossible). You're a great student and I bet your professors will get that and give you a break if you need it. I know that when the best students of mine are having a tough time and they tell me about it, I am way more inclined to give them extensions and leeway than the students who don't let me know something's up.

I'm so glad to hear Kanika has a place! Animals rarely forget people, so I wouldn't worry. My ex's mother's cat remembered me after I'd been gone for 2 years. Just ran right up to me the second I walked in and stretch out his neck for pets like I used to give him.

As always, hope you're well and I miss & <3 you!!!


ladywind March 13 2011, 17:11:59 UTC
Seconding the dancing naked in front of a full-length mirror thing. If there's a better way to relearn where one is in space, I haven't found it. (which reminds me that I need to quit waffling and *get* a new full-length; has been too long since I saw my shoulders & my hips at the same time. :D )

FWIW, if you have time to/interest in modding your clothes to fit your current shape, may I recommend the clothing forums at Craftster? Fascinating stuff within.

~quiet hugs~ Welcome back.


sidheblessed March 14 2011, 00:04:21 UTC
I just wanted to say how glad I am to see you posting on LJ again. I've missed you and your posts a lot. I know we've kept in contact on Facebook but it's not the same as reading one of your posts here. I come away from each of your posts feeling like a piece of you has been unraveled and I know you better than I did coming into the post.

*hugs* ♥


smurfb1ue March 14 2011, 01:15:32 UTC
I don't know what kind of access to food you have where you're currently living, but when I was a vegan (I'm having to reintroduce animal products now that I'm preparing my body to move to Tanzania) Tofurkey lunch "meat" was a staple simply because it had so much protein. Whenever I was out with friends, they'd laugh because--regardless of where we were--I could pull out a package of tofurkey and have something to nibble on while they ate. Same with Boca burgers, though they definitely don't travel as well. If you're not on a really strict food plan in regards to allergies or anything, nut butters or hummus with crackers; granola; and nuts can work pretty well too ( ... )


aerialmelodies March 14 2011, 03:19:00 UTC
You write so much from the heart and it's always without judgment; I'm so happy that you're back and writing here again. Hopefully we will see each other sometime soon!


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