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Comments 5

la_pretresse April 4 2010, 08:10:04 UTC
Have you considered dying your stubble once some grows in? I think you would look really awesome with like a violet or blue spikey thing going on :) Also, I COMPLETELY understand how you feel about a lack of self-expression. I had my hair nuclear red for a while and I absolutely loved it. Got tons of compliments and wierd looks, but I felt so...me, you know? Now I've got this like strawberry-blond-normalness thing and it's...boring, and less 'me'. Anyway, I think you should just go crazy and dye your scalp if you want to :D Or you could have someone do henna patterns on your scalp. Just go with it. Don't be down about it, just roll with the new look and find a new way to express yourself. I'll be re-dying soon enough ;D


frecklestars April 4 2010, 14:25:59 UTC
Yay for Ash! (Spring seems like the time for celebrating other peoples' happiness. Love it.) Spring has hit here as well, so everything is slowly starting to turn green and I haven't had to take a coat anywhere for the last couple of days, which is always such a revelation to me. In California, you have to take a coat with you no matter how hot it is in the day because it cools off so quickly at night. But here in Massachusetts, when it's warm during the day, it's usually still pretty warm during the night. I always find it such a treat, because it's so unexpected to my California blood ( ... )


delicatexflower April 5 2010, 01:29:41 UTC

ooh i'm so glad you called in sick! you needed it, it sounds like! i empathize a lot given your situation. whenever i spend my time with people, as much as i love the conversations and all, i get drained because i feel things so deep the whole time. energy levels can be so high, sometimes.

it's important you take time to recover and get your spark back ;)

oh! spring does the same for me, too. winter always makes me feel sad and achy, it's as if i feel earth's hurt & pain during it's time when it is dying ..

mmm. you got some amazing friends in your life! don't let go of them :) you are an incredible person.


theindiequeen April 6 2010, 16:33:32 UTC
You're listening to Metric! Woooh!

I know EXACTLY how you feel about summer. I pretty much could have written that paragraph.

So glad you liked my mixy!!! I put mostly songs that I thought you would like on there, but then I also threw in a few of my absolute favorite songs because I sort of felt like it. :) Which ones are your favorites? (I like to get feedback on my mixy making so the next time I make someone a mixy, it will be all songs they like. And then I will conquer the world with music! *mwa-ha-ha*)

And it also made me realize that while the people I've met over the past year are rather astonishingly interesting to me because I've never had local friends that I could connect with in a view-of-the-world way, for them meeting ME wasn't all that incredible because they already had plenty of open-minded queer pagan poly people in their lives.

I'm not always the best at expressing these sorts of things, but for me, meeting you was incredible! And not because you're open-minded or queer or poly or any of that. (I mean, all of ( ... )


sidheblessed April 7 2010, 11:38:29 UTC
I know what you mean about overestimating a connection. I did that last year and realising it really hurts. *hugs*

I'm sorry people don't make a Big Deal of your birthday. But I am glad you got awesome gifts!


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