Speaking as someone who winds up being friends with the ex-partners of the person I'm with (and who wishes her ex-partner's current partner would call & talk out of the blue because ze seems awesome)? It's not stupid at all. Maybe a little early, but I can't feel your timing like you can. Go for it.
Coming at it sideways, I'm shaking my head @ [ex], because there seems to be this dichotomy between what ze says ze wants and what ze puts zirself in the path of. (ew, grammar, but...) Einstein said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
Sounds like Maggie could benefit from a supportive friend if ze's involved with [ex] and zir attitude, and yet is as much like you as it sounds.
That present sounds so awesome. :) I always liked surprise presents.
I don't think it's such a stupid idea to be friends with an ex's new partner. I actually think it's a mark of maturity, rather than staying a bitter angry person and hating the new partner on principle that they're "replaced" you. This is something I respect you for: that you have the emotional wherewithall to see Maggie as an individual person and appreciate zir as such.
Like someone else expressed, I do worry that it's a little too soon BUT like they also said, you know your own timing better than any of us do.
its sharee not ashleyfyrebardJanuary 16 2010, 22:02:53 UTC
it not about me approving or disapproving. i just didnt want you be be hurt any more than you already are. they are your choices and i respect them even though they may not be what i would choose but i will respect you and always love you.
Comments 4
Coming at it sideways, I'm shaking my head @ [ex], because there seems to be this dichotomy between what ze says ze wants and what ze puts zirself in the path of. (ew, grammar, but...) Einstein said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
Sounds like Maggie could benefit from a supportive friend if ze's involved with [ex] and zir attitude, and yet is as much like you as it sounds.
I don't think it's such a stupid idea to be friends with an ex's new partner. I actually think it's a mark of maturity, rather than staying a bitter angry person and hating the new partner on principle that they're "replaced" you. This is something I respect you for: that you have the emotional wherewithall to see Maggie as an individual person and appreciate zir as such.
Like someone else expressed, I do worry that it's a little too soon BUT like they also said, you know your own timing better than any of us do.
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