photos: lil sis visits during the week of Thanksgiving!

Dec 03, 2009 03:00

Photos from the week of AWESOMENESS that was time with my lil sis ;-) Ze's so amazing, seriously. I feel so inspired by zir boldness -- I feel like I learned a lot through spending time with zir this time. When I grow up I wanna be more like zir!

I love the movement of this one :D


these're from when we went to the most AWESOME RESTAURANT EVAR (gorgeously colorful, mostly vegetarian, and open 24 hours). I have NEVER enjoyed any food so much. I want to go back because I am dying to figure out if it was really that good or if I was just hungry and really in the mood for vegetables. The food was so good that I actually moaned with pleasure before catching myself (this coming from someone who'd rather take a nourishment pill than eat most days). Not quickly enough though -- Ash and lil sis teased me the rest of the night.


the little shits *snickers*


hee hee


I looooooooooved the star lights on the wall! all different colors, and the bulbs of the overhead lights were all different colors too!


I wish I'd gotten a photo of the person who came over and told Ash and I that we were delicious and ze wanted to take us on a world tour (or something to that effect). I was half horrified and half amused, and a little confused because I've never heard anyone say something like that and not felt creeped out or annoyed at the presumption. But ze just had such an openness about zir! It was lovely and if zir wording hadn't smacked so much of objectification I'd have wanted to exchange contact info. One of those the-mind-doesn't-match-the-spirit things.


this is my lil sis' eye -- I love that speck of red!


I took these in the laundry room at my old apartment -- weird lighting but I like how they turned out!


while we were waiting to switch over the laundry, lil sis found a kitten :D



Oh, and when some random stranger came in, lil sis asked zir if ze was polyamorous. Because apparently I need a girlfriend? And lil sis is going to hook me up based solely on looks *rolls eyes*


THIS is the pony Red Ash gave Ben *giggles*


a pony AND a cherry coke, can life get any better?


lil sis took this ;-)


lil sis and I went for coffee and I took a billion photos 'cause that's what I do when I have a cooperative subject ;-)


it cracks me up how alike some of our facial expressions are


*giggles* (bad-photographer-me shoulda moved the straw but OH WELL it's fulla cuteness anyway)




Ash has taken to 'hawking lately ;-)


Kyan (one of Nicole's co-workers) and lil sis -- who started off the conversation asking if ze was gay. Kyan turned out to be awesome and answered that and all further questions with hardly a blink.


I don't remember polka-dot-apron person's name, but ze was really sweet and hung out with us a bit too.


cutie Nicole ;-) (yes that IS a Hello Kitty apron!)


closeup of Nicole's awesome new glasses.


riding to Ash's Nanny's family gathering on Thanksgiving

I love how lil sis and I both happen to be quirking our mouths!


in shutter-happy moods, I make faces at myself


and then giggle at them *giggles*


I love this one! lil sis is so gorgeous in that color. I wish I'd taken proper portraits that day.


hee hee, it's our twin grin :D


showing off my makeup!


and again


the star is gold eyeliner with clear iridescent stars stuck on while it was wet


*glee at own adorableness*


mm, rich colors!


Ash (looking RADIANTLY happy) and zir Nanny





this is where Ash gets zir crinkle-nose grin, I think!


awww, you can see the love ♥


my eyes look STUNNING in this one


lil sis stealing my "oh reeeeally" look


awww :D


don't be fooled by the cuteness -- that's no kiss!






when we went to my aunt's for dessert (pear and cranberry pie, OMG IT WAS YUM), Mary wanted me to take some photos...

--- I obliged even though I cannot stand taking portraits in fake lighting




Peggy & Mary




this is my fav even though it's blurry.


lil sis and I out for coffee again on Friday ;-)





ze was really creative with eyeshadow -- I love how ze does these blended looks, almost like an abstract painting


but it's the left eye that always steals the attention -- wow.


ace, hope, photos, localtribe, ashe, biofamily

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