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belenen January 11 2009, 20:03:50 UTC
*grins and dances more*

I like it MUCH more now (I was afraid Alex was gonna get zir heart broken again) -- yeah I can guess! :D

also, tell me what you're currently reading / listening to / creating!


febrile_lune January 11 2009, 20:52:48 UTC

Haha! It's SO GOOD to see you so happy!!! I love it.

I'm writing children's books currently, hah. Or practice ones. Some day I hope to publish. I'm reading... something... yes. "Multiculturalism and the Mouse - Race and Sex in Disney Entertainment" annnnnd I am about to start one of my Terry Brooks books! I listen to whatever, nothing new lately.



febrile_lune January 11 2009, 20:57:23 UTC
and I almost forgot! I'm also reading The Audacity of Hope ...um. It's very rare for me to read just one book at a time!


belenen January 11 2009, 21:38:02 UTC
oh, I do that too. I probably have 10 barely-begun books laying around, as well as the two (usually three or four) I'm currently 'actively reading'. ;-)


phoenixdreaming January 11 2009, 21:13:43 UTC
How sunshine-bright you are today :D Is tonight the perigee moon? Perhaps it's livening you particularly.

I'm currently reading Silk by Caitlin R. Kiernan, found it in the Oxfam bookshop on my last day at work in the city centre. Started well, not sure what I think of it now. Also browsing Java websites and databases books, preparing (poorly) for my exams this coming week.

I'm going to send a book or two your way soon: I saw a book ('Meetings with Remarkable Trees') that said you while bookshopping just before Christmas, and was pleased to see it on your Amazon wishlist! Also have a Tanith Lee book (Reigning Cats and Dogs) that you wishlisted. Hopefully you have neither -- thought I should check before posting them.


phoenixdreaming January 11 2009, 21:14:17 UTC
And I'm creating nothing, which is sort of a source of unending angst.


belenen January 11 2009, 21:33:55 UTC
*beams* omg!!! http://www.sciam.com/blog/60-second-science/post.cfm?id=tonights-moon-will-rival-last-month-2009-01-10 I'd never even heard of the term, how amazing and wonderful! Something to note *nods happily*

ooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh omg, reallyreally????? I ALMOST got Reigning Cats and Dogs via bookmooch (like, three times I looked at the page wondering whether to mooch it! but decided to wait for 'no' reason), and I have been dreaming/sighing over Meetings with Remarkable Trees for AAAAAGES!!! *eeeeeeeee!!!!* can'twaitcan'twait!!! I sent you a package too, hopefully it will be unusually fast and get there quick!

*claps with glee*


phoenixdreaming January 11 2009, 22:52:11 UTC
Wow, you did? How lovely of you! I'll be keeping a close eye on the post, I'm really looking forward to that :D And yay, I'm so glad that you don't have either! Just found Reigning Cats and Dogs -- hadn't seen it since I was in my previous apartment, so I worried a little that it might be lost or even a different book, but no, I've found it. I'll send them soon -- I want to write something rather than just chucking the two books in an envelope, heh :)


rapidrabbit January 11 2009, 21:50:42 UTC
Yay for good moods. :-) I'd be a bit more upbeat myself, but today's been a snowballing of bad luck (topped off with a visit from the monthly red menace), so I'm feeling a bit sedate.

Lessee....yesterday I finished The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, and am holding off on starting anything new yet (my semester starts in a few days, and I want to see what the assigned reading is before I get into anything I won't have time to finish). I'm finishing the scarf for a set I've been working on for my mom. And I've been listening to a stready stream of Disney music because I relented and let my daughter watch a couple of movies today since I'm feeling so utterly unable to chase her all over the house.


belenen January 18 2009, 00:54:52 UTC
omg, I LOVE that set, so cute!


ladywind January 11 2009, 22:41:23 UTC
~hugs and grins at your bounciness~ Ya, moon. And ya, life. :)

reading: Stephen Erikson's Malazan Books of The fallen. I'm on The Bonehunters..

listening to: happy bouncy Jason Mraz, to balance out all the war in the books, and a metric ton of Crosby Stills Nash & Young.

Creating: A mess of my boy's room with him. Hypothetically we're cleaning, but that remains to be seen. Otherwise, I've got more books to bind and I'm contemplating taking up a digital painting. Would you happen to be in the mood to shoot a little stock? (~she mused hopefully~)


belenen January 18 2009, 00:57:15 UTC
ohhh, not right now but I would LOVE to shoot some stock for you at some point! It's gotta get warmer though, I just can't motivate for photos when the weather is so crappy.

What sort of stock?? *curious*


ladywind January 18 2009, 02:35:52 UTC
~wry grin~ That works out really well, honestly; I'm up to my eyeballs in bookboard for several months anyhow.

I'm thinking of the sort of thing that would look in-place in a Mucha painting. Fluid lines and distant eyes, bemused smile, graceful arms draped across what you're lounging on or alighted near where you stand, one hand near your face as if a very slender cobra is wrapped round your forearm and resting on your palm, the two of you nose to nose, tasting eachother's air. The snake I can find or figure reference for; be them blessed, they're sleek shapes. The human--particularly the YOU--takes particular posing. :)

It's an ambitious thought, and probably far beyond my ability at the mo', but as Mr. Browning once said, "A man's reach ought to exceed his grasp, else what's a heaven for?"

So yeah. No real timetable, here. When the spirit moves you will be the perfect moment. :)

And thank you. <3


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