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Comments 31

shioneh December 16 2007, 20:11:23 UTC
This post made me happy to read. I love Christmas also ♥ I really like the line in your post:'what does it matter what label it wears? joy is joy!' Absolutely true ( ... )


belenen December 17 2007, 03:02:53 UTC
I never liked Halloween because most people dressed up as disgusting stuff. :-\ And my parents didn't let us celebrate it anyway, so it wasn't any fun. I wish there was a dress-up holiday that didn't have the 'horror' connotations Halloween does! But I am glad it doesn't have those connotations for you ♥ it sounds wonderful as you describe it.

I never understand why people get upset about the 'commercialization' of it! that's part of the joy for me! When all the stores decorate too, play Christmas music, and sell special stuff, it makes me feel more like the whole community is doing it. I love it! I don't care why they do it, I just like that it's a big happy thing that (most) everyone does.

I am glad that it gives you energy and love, it does to me too, for the same reasons ♥ *sends love*


shioneh December 17 2007, 04:26:07 UTC
mmm yes, that is true, I'm glad you said that because it made me realize I do enjoy some of the effects of commercialization- I do like the wide-spreadness of it and the stores being decorated and selling special stuff etc. I love seeing the stores change through each season ( ... )


belenen December 17 2007, 18:42:09 UTC
ah, I see. Thanks for the explanation! I can understand what you mean.


(The comment has been removed)

belenen December 17 2007, 03:03:15 UTC
yes! you get it ;-)


gonadsandstrife December 17 2007, 02:35:12 UTC
I thought people who thought all that were a myth, a phantom, second cousin to Harvey the rabbit.

Slogans like "joy through giving" always sound better in German to me.


belenen December 17 2007, 03:04:13 UTC
Well I am a little bit magic and that might make me mythical in some eyes! ;-)

and ew, German :-p I don't like that language at all.


gonadsandstrife December 17 2007, 03:06:07 UTC
...I see.


sidheblessed December 18 2007, 09:01:25 UTC
Why don't you like the German language? My grandmother and her entire family are German so I quite like the language myself. I find it to be a very intelligent language that you can use very creatively if you know the words.


frecklestars December 17 2007, 08:48:33 UTC
I'm like you: love gift giving, don't feel obligated to give, and really only want to get people things that are special. I feel so bad though, when someone gets me something (especially something very nice) and I didn't get them anything. But yes...the holiday spirit (whichever holiday it may be) is a bit infectious and this time of the year does make me smile. Though so do lots of times of the year. :)


belenen December 17 2007, 18:43:49 UTC
:D yay for holiday spirit! ♥


sidheblessed December 18 2007, 09:02:51 UTC
I love giving gifts too and feel terrible if I can't get something that's good enough, that I know they'll love. I like the idea of doing somethign ncie for someone if you can't find them something nice to give as a present.

I'm also not offended by people saying "happy holidays" or anything like that. It's that season of the year and people are happy, so why not share it? I also think it's just common curtesy to say "happy holidays" or something, at least it seems to be around here.


belenen December 29 2007, 22:36:54 UTC
I like the idea of doing nice things for a person too. One of my favorite presents was elya & Ben decorating our apartment for Christmas ;-) That can mean just as much -- or more -- than a physical gift. ♥


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