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Comments 50

armandii October 30 2007, 10:22:19 UTC
You are quite remarkable in the way you share yourself so openly and unreservedly. I admire that quality enormously. I am curious about the polyamory. Are there feelings of hurt and or jealousy between you and your partner (husband)? Personally those emotions would be huge were my partner to want a sexual relationship outside of our relationship and I wonder how you both deal with these things. I am assuming here that your partner is also leading or intends to lead a polyamorous life style.


belenen November 7 2007, 19:48:42 UTC
thank you for the lovely compliments ♥

I imagine that when one of us begins a second relationship there will be issues of jealousy every now and then as we learn to properly balance our time and effort, but on the concept itself, I have no jealousy. I can imagine myself happily sharing him with someone else (as long as I got to be friends with that person and get to know them). In my opinion, jealousy is a symptom of a problem in the relationship, but not necessarily a problem in itself.

Dunno if that was clear -- it's a concept that I have trouble putting into words!


upasaka October 30 2007, 10:24:35 UTC
Very interesting! You use different words to express many of the same things I would say about myself. I especially like what you have to say about "partnered" -- people's expectations about what it is to be married are just so completely inapplicable to my partner and myself!

I am, though, an eastern seaboarder as you are a southerner. The call of the gull, the ebb and flow of the tides, and the breezes of the Chesapeake are in my veins.


belenen November 7 2007, 19:50:06 UTC
glad you found it interesting!

and I think it's great that you have a connection with the land you live in -- I think it is something that is all too rare, and so important.


aeonbluert October 30 2007, 11:58:03 UTC
Although we are different in many ways, i deeply admire your openness and strength of beliefs. thank you for posting this, you seem like a great person, and one I hope I can be better friends with.


belenen November 7 2007, 19:52:31 UTC
thank you so much!


tralfamadore October 30 2007, 13:02:27 UTC
Every time I read one of your self-descriptions, I find myself standing in awe at how you manage to be so uniquely you in a society that by nature rejects so many of the ideas that you have put down here. How you managed to overcome that and understand that the person you are is the person you felt comfortable showing to the world... It's amazing to me. One day I truly hope to have your strength and courage to show myself fully as I truly am. You are so inspirational.


belenen November 7 2007, 19:53:17 UTC
oh wow, what an amazing thing to say! thank you so very much! ♥ ♥ ♥ *hugs*


mourningdoveava October 30 2007, 14:06:38 UTC
Remind me sometime to get in a really involved talk with you about spirituality...I sense I'd be fascinated with a lot of what you have to say (I've found myself interested in aspects of Kemetic orthodoxy, myself). I love, love, love learning about other people's belief systems.


belenen November 7 2007, 19:54:09 UTC
oh yes, most definitely! I can't wait to have those talks ;-)


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