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Comments 20

brighid0704 October 29 2007, 23:38:45 UTC
I like this post a lot. Identity is such a changeable thing, for, as we change, the person we are changes too. I really don't know how I would define myself, without slipping back into the whole action and emotion-based model.


belenen November 3 2007, 08:58:34 UTC
fascinating topic to think on, identity. ;-)


delicatexflower October 29 2007, 23:51:52 UTC

WOW! this is so lovely! do you mind
if i add this to my memories? it's
so beautiful!


belenen November 3 2007, 08:58:57 UTC
of course I don't mind, I'm flattered! thank you! ;-)


smurfb1ue October 30 2007, 00:07:09 UTC
I think that's why I like photography so much. Every once in awhile you find pictures that really catch who someone is beneath the layers of words & actions & physicality.


belenen November 3 2007, 08:59:17 UTC
YES. me too!!!!! I so so so so so agree ♥


kmiotutsie October 30 2007, 01:22:17 UTC
i am a person who is fucking considerate to a fault -- i am a person who has been fucked over to a degree that's making me uncomfortably wary of everyone i meet -- i'm a person who's trying to work on that -- i am a reliable person; i am an efficient person -- i am a beautiful wonderful person -- i am a person who is full of love and a person who is full of tears and a person who wishes she had more someone's to lean on right now.

*weeps a little.*

/emo moment ;)


belenen November 3 2007, 09:05:54 UTC
awww, Kat-love *hug hug* I'm sorry I've been so crappy about not being in touch lately! (I know that wasn't your point but I just wanted to apologize)

You are a fascinating, free, beautiful spirit ♥ and I love you *nuzzles* And I want to be more available -- even though I might be flaky sometimes, if you let me know that you feel in need of support, I will always be right there. Always. So, I might be unavailable sometimes but you can always count on me in times of need. *love* It's important to me to be there for you. ♥


mister_smartass October 30 2007, 02:03:36 UTC
while I understand what you mean, I do believe WE ARE WHAT WE DO. not what we do for a living, but what we do when it's 100% our choice.

I think in my soul I'm an architect. in most of the things I like doing (including computer stuff), the PART I like most is planning and building.


belenen November 3 2007, 09:07:28 UTC
I think in my soul I'm an architect. in most of the things I like doing (including computer stuff), the PART I like most is planning and building.

exactly! I really understand that ♥


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