Etowah Indian Mounds -- me & my partner

Jul 02, 2007 19:40

Saturday we had planned to go to the Etowah Mounds, but we didn't get much sleep the morning before and Hannah didn't have the energy to go, so my partner and I went without her, and it was absolutely incredible. I believe it was meant to be that way, because if she had gone, I would have been very caught up in spending time with her and wouldn't have experienced it the same way (and she needed the sleep). I also feel like being with her this past week was a kind of catalyst for us both and we wouldn't have experienced it as deeply had she not been here.

We sat and listened to a man talk about the history of the major Native American tribes (including how some were matriarchal) and play a beautiful song on the flute, and then a group of Native Americans taught us about the different types of dance, and demonstrated... the music went straight to my blood and filled me up... ohhh I love drums. (and I learned that I prefer the deeper, southern style of singing rather than the higher northern style)

little boy drummer -- he kept quite a good rhythm! And the adults treated him with as much respect as they did each other -- they didn't condescend, but took him seriously ♥

drumming circle

this guy took it very seriously; you could easily see it was of high importance to him

you could see the story he told with his dance

this guy danced so wildly and fast that I had a very hard time photographing him as more than a blur of color

this guy was very shy but so expressive in his dance and attire

Afterward, I sat on the edge of the 'borrow pit' and gazed at the massive tree growing from the bed of it -- how old the pit must be to have such an Elder growing there! -- and my partner spoke with the flute player. My partner's part Seminole but has never really explored his heritage -- I was so thrilled that he spoke so openly about it, and thrilled that he wanted to buy the CD of flute music. It's such a huge step in openness -- I can't even express how amazed I am, how happy. I've felt like he had this amazing present, but he never even took the wrapping off -- and I would have opened it as soon as my baby hands could manage it, and worn it like a crown ever after. Even though it's not something I can share, I know it's such a big part of who he is, and I am so excited that he is finally opening up to it. I think this was a exuviating experience for him -- no, I know it. He's letting me post photos of him without him having to approve them first!

Then we walked to the largest mound, and up the many shallow steps... and I lost my breath, partly because I'm out of shape and partly because I was overwhelmed by the spirit of the place. I was immediately drawn to a massive tree on the side of the mound, my God/dess, it was so amazing -- I have tears in my eyes at the memory. I sat near and spoke quietly to it as my partner walked away around the edge of the mound, and just drank in its presence... when my partner came back I said that I wished I could touch it, and so he insisted on helping me down to it (I have a fear of heights and not much faith in my own balance). When I touched its bark, I felt such a strong rush of warmth! I've had only one experience even remotely like it, and that was 8 years ago... this was such a profoundly spiritual experience; I feel like it confirms my connection with trees. I can't put it into words, it was so amazing -- in that one second, everything shifted. I feel like everything I believe became more real, more alive. (and I realized that I've never met a tree as old as that one -- all the trees I have met have been young) My partner took some photos of the moment (which I am so grateful for), and then helped me back up to the top.

We wandered around and I saw several more amazing trees (including one with a faery house!), but none like that one. I feel like I left a little piece of my heart with it, and I can feel the tug of that connection. ♥ How can life be so amazing? (God/dess, I love you, thank you for this life, thank you for the beauty and the love you put in everything ♥ ♥ ♥) And there was a river nearby! Such an amazing, incredible, fascinating place -- I felt honored to walk the ground there. I definitely must go back (and next time I must wear sunscreen).

meeting the Elder

I'm so small

(I love how you can see my silver hairs)



under a willow

another amazing tree on the edge of the mound

feeling the earth

when I was laying under the tree

♥ ♥ ♥

this is the tree I was laying under, as viewed from the bottom of the mound

my partner -- comfortable!

my partner stares

I love this one ♥

wild at heart

lush path

faery home

I LOVE the light shining through that leaf

and that night my partner and I had the most amazing, beautifully connected sexperience we've ever had... It was incredible. I feel like we both opened up to each other in a way we never have before. ♥

b - ex-partner, etowah mounds, true self, sex, self-portraits, photos, spirituality, art -- photography, trees, turning points, growth

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