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Comments 33

bluebl00d April 28 2007, 12:09:29 UTC

Very cool, doing videocam is the next best thing as having the person you're talking to standing right in front of you :) So please keep them coming ♥

I hope you won't be offended or embarrassed by this but I'm loving the gap :D I'm sporting one myself and I find them really cool and pretty.

How many times can I say I'm always surprised by the tone of your voice? Anyhow I love it ;)

I also have a webcam, I rarely use it though and mine seems to be a really shitty quality lol


belenen May 9 2007, 08:24:51 UTC
yay! glad you love it! :D :D :D

definitely not offended/embarrassed! I used to hate the gap between my teeth but now I've decided that I love it ;-) glad you like it too! I want to see yours!

what is it that is surprising about my voice? do you expect it to be deeper/higher? *is very curious*

omg you should SO post a video blog! I want to hear your accent! :D


bluebl00d May 9 2007, 12:51:21 UTC
YES! I thought your voice would be higher, not that it's "deep deep" now, you know?

I'm afraid my gap isn't as pretty as my fellow gappers lol

Seeing as Nea got out of her comfort box and did one of her own I might eventually someday soon :D


belenen May 29 2007, 08:55:36 UTC
heh, I like that I have a deep-ish voice ;-)

Oh I hope you do make a video post! I'm soooo curious to see/hear you speak!


acid_burns April 28 2007, 12:41:03 UTC

THIS MADE ME SO HAPPY! You have such an amazing personality! You do realize you're an inspiration to me? :) Eeek. You kill me!

Like Vee pointed out, I too am loving the gap and that tone of your voice. It's all so you. Fabulous.

I AM SO EXCITED! *giggle* Hi? How dumb can I possibly come across as? ;)

Keep 'em coming, sweets!


belenen May 9 2007, 08:26:41 UTC
awwwwwwwww!!! *blushes sooooo much* oh what a beautiful compliment, to be an inspiration to someone who inspires me! :D

*giggles* thank you, dahling :D

I'm so happy that you liked it! I will surely be doing more! and I want to see YOU do one, lady :D


thiswaste April 28 2007, 12:59:46 UTC
Oooh! I think I'll do one of my own when my camera battery charges =D

I love the way you speak.


belenen May 9 2007, 08:27:24 UTC
I LOVE that you did one! :D

and thank you! what is it about the way I speak that you love? *very curious*


thiswaste May 9 2007, 10:04:54 UTC
I don't know- it's just an energy you give off. I like it =)
And you have a cool accent (accents completely fascinate me)


belenen May 29 2007, 08:56:28 UTC
awww thank you! about the energy especially, and also the 'accent' (which doesn't sound like an accent to me, of course! heh).


armandii April 28 2007, 14:00:53 UTC
Your voice has the same good, calm quality I feel from reading your posts. It's lovely to see you 'animated' :-)
What sort of camera do you have? I think I might like to try one.


belenen May 9 2007, 08:42:00 UTC
awww thank you!!! :D :D :D

I have a Sony Cybershot DSC-P92, it's a fabulous little camera, I'm very pleased with it! I do want to get a new one because this one is a little slower from power-on-to-take-shot than I would like (although better than most), and I want something with an internal lens so that I can feel free just sticking it in my purse. But for not-so-spontaneous stuff, it's amazing, esp. for the price of $100-200. I definitely recommend it!


earthy_goddess April 28 2007, 14:03:07 UTC
Bel, I love you!!! This was amazing and you look absolutely gorgeous. Congratulations on the interview! I knew it...knew you would get an interview and you would blow the manager away with your awesomeness. Sucks about the possibility of morning shifts for you... will send you some of my morning-personness energy...heehee...me trying to be silly.

It was wonderful to see you in video, and my heart grows every time I see you, hear your voice, or read your words. <3 There really isn't a way to fully capture how to say how incredible you are. Try to find moments of peace and relaxation before Kat comes. I know it is in your nature to be nervous but know that everything will be great. You are going to have such an experience being together!


belenen May 9 2007, 08:42:55 UTC
*snuggles you* thank you so much lovey love! this comment made me so happy :D


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