I haven't been posting much about my counseling sessions, because we have a confidentiality agreement in the support group and not much has been happening in my sessions with Patricia. It's not wasted time -- but it's not very productive either. We've been on a sort of plateau for a while now, for (
several reasons: )
Comments 34
i guess i did 'theophostic' on myself when i came to my realization of how to fix my life. once again, unless people have gone through it, you can't explain it. i use my experience to argue with non-believers about how the writers of the Bible could know what they know and see what they saw.
i'm really glad you shared this. none of my friends have had this kind of experience and drive me insane pretending they get it. they may on some level, but not like what you described or like i felt. God has blessed you!
Also, i was wondering if i could use your Narnia icons. That Aslan icon is simply beautiful! :)
just don't credit me for the one i'm using right now. i didn't make this one, unfortunity.
What are you referring to here? about fixing your life? If you're comfortable sharing, what sort of problems/wounds needed 'fixing'? I'd like to get to know you better. ;-)
I'm glad you've experienced this too, it's wonderful to be able to talk to others who have experienced it -- it kinda confirms our own experience. There's nothing else like it.
I wish you heart-felt healing and joy.
Thank you. ♥
This is the kind of thing that most people dont even realize is really actually going on. They think it's just soem stuff that tv shows use or whatever. I mean fo pete's sakes people, yes this shit really does happen....daily!!! Thank you for sharing. You know, the more we can get these kinds of things out, the more sick people we can get off the street into custody.
I agree. Right now 38% of women have been sexually abused before the age of 18. So if you are in a room with three random women, it's extremely likely that one of them was abused. And yet no one talks about it.
The kind of connection, willingness and life that you have is so much what God desires to share with us- I am so proud of you for experiencing God's Love!
thank you. ;-)
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