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Comments 35

kevloid September 24 2005, 10:31:04 UTC
I wonder why it's called victoria's secret.

have they seen queen victoria?


belenen October 6 2005, 08:00:04 UTC


kevloid September 24 2005, 10:34:50 UTC
oh, and I gave someone your waterstar address. he makes jewellery and was thinking of doing a website like yours - I though maybe he could pick your brain.


belenen October 6 2005, 08:00:19 UTC


untoldeuphemism September 24 2005, 11:51:32 UTC
I hate Victoria's Secret. Not only are the mannequins revolting but so are the salespeople and everything there is insanely expensive too. I simply cannot justify $14 for a pair of underwear. I cannot even go in there without being accosted by a fake friendly person who is just not listening to anything I am saying and instead trying to get me to sign up for their Angels credit card or have my chest remeasured since according to her apparently most women are wearing an incorrect bra size. Well, let's see, I know my own boobs thank you very much and what does and does not fit since they are with me all day and all night long so I think no one would know this better than I. Last Christmas I totally lost it in there because FIVE saleswomen came up to me with the same shpeal in a matter of minutes [I'm a quick browser and was all over the store] and I ended up screaming that this is not custimer service but STALKING and they need to leave me alone when all I was doing was looking. I stormed out. Recently my friend Rosie was here visiting ( ... )


belenen September 24 2005, 11:59:59 UTC
well, definitely try a Fredricks if they have one near you -- they actually have a wider range of sizes than VS does. They had three styles that they carried in my size, where VS only had 2, and they have a bunch of colors for each style... and my bra was only $28 -- they had a sale going for 2 for $48, but I didn't have the extra money, so I stuck with one. And it's quite comfortable!


untoldeuphemism September 24 2005, 12:07:44 UTC
Sadly, there isn't one by me. I really need to move away from this city but there's the money issue being that I need money to move and I can't even save any right now since I don't even make enough to love. Hopefully that will change with this new job if I can manage to stay there and not toally lose my mind and walk out. I have a hard time working full-time for 8 hour days that last forever but my part-time right now is just not cutting it. I hate dealing with people because it's so exhausting. I wish I could do eveyrthing from online. This city definitely brings out the worst in me and I just want to kill everyone here by using a spoon. My finance swears it's just me being frustrated and not that I'm losing my mind but being that he's all the way in England right now and hasn't experienced the state [no pun intended] I'm in escept for online or on the phone, I;m not so sure he's right. I just don't think waking up with thoughts of complete annihilation can be very healthy.


belenen October 6 2005, 08:02:18 UTC
damn! Maybe you can find a less people-interactive job? Like something clerical or even something like overnight stocking?


mimimandy September 25 2005, 02:41:32 UTC
I couldn't remember but I thought it was you who had made that great post a while back not just acknowledging curvy women but thin ones too and I wonder if you had the link for that, the thin community I mean? I don't shop at Victoria's secret either. My mother says the secret is Victoria robs you blind. I have seen their dummies though and they're gross. Not all naturally thin or even underweight women look like that. Not to mention that most thin women do not have boobs that large. I never could afford to shop there and even when I could've it was depressing to go there and have the one saleslady inform me I'd have been in their training bra selection. I was an Acup but it wasn't a small Acup. After that I just didn't have the strength for that kind of condescendation.


belenen October 6 2005, 08:13:51 UTC
the thin community is naturallythin. ;-)

I KNOW! Last time I went to Victoria's Secret, a VS salesperson first insisted that I was a 34C, HAH! I think they must all be insecure about their breast sizes or something, and so they try to belittle other women's breasts? It seems that everyone has the same sort of experience with them.


sidheblessed September 25 2005, 04:49:40 UTC
They put bones on a mannequin? Now that';s beyond weird and not to mention damaging to the self-esteem and society's perecptions of the ideal ody. That's wrong on mnay levels.


belenen October 6 2005, 08:14:57 UTC
I know, so many. Why bother even using mannequins, why not just buy one of those skeleton models they use in anatomy classes?


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