Kevin was Heaven

Jul 23, 2009 01:34

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Cute interview clip of Sandra Bullock & Ryan Reynolds for "The Proposal" UK release.  We can tell they genuinely like each other.  Although I haven't seen the movie 'properly' yet, they are becoming one of my favourite on-screen couple/real-life buddies.  Ryan is definitey among top 3 of Sandy's best co-stars.  My OTP is always Keanu/Sandy, but ( Read more... )

sandra bullock, movies, ryan reynolds

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Comments 8

occamsrazor2009 July 22 2009, 22:41:00 UTC
Ryan/Sandra beat Hugh/Sandra by-a-mile for me. But I love Reynolds. Always have.


belelmo27cien July 23 2009, 01:44:14 UTC
They have something that only long-term friends do I guess. I just don't know Ryan yet.


ndt56 July 23 2009, 01:24:34 UTC
Giggle ! Ryan is one of the actor in my top 10 list.
I know you'll like Ryan. He has a bubbly character like
Sandy so no doubt that they like each other. They were so funny & lovable in this film.
I'm sooo looking forward for the release of this movie !


belelmo27cien July 23 2009, 01:46:17 UTC
I wonder if Ryan will be popular in Japan... Let's hope they'll come together to Tokyo!


sandykeanufan August 13 2009, 00:43:24 UTC
I enjoyed the movie and I like their chemistry together. It's a funny chemistry , friendly :) But it's really nothing compared to Keandra , they're smoldering hot hehe. The LOVESidovesy each other :)

I hope you guys get to see it in Japan. If not I'll be ready here to send you a copy when it comes out on dvd.


belelmo27cien August 13 2009, 01:42:24 UTC
I know! The chemistry between Sandy/Ryan and Keandra is totally different. I'm more into Margret/Andrew pairng than Sandy/Ryan themselves actually.

It'll be definitely released theatrically in Japan in October. But not the other two Sandy movies probably... So, I might ask you again.


sandykeanufan August 13 2009, 00:45:10 UTC
Oh and I have to add that Ryan is the bomb! I love him he's my ultimate crush right now. Damn you Scarlett!!! (joking)


belelmo27cien August 13 2009, 01:46:06 UTC
I didn't find him attractive before, but now I do! Well, let's see how long Ryan/Scarlett last. Scarlett is too young to settle in that Hollywood world imo.


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