It's been a while...

Jun 02, 2009 23:31

I haven't updated my journal for ages.  I just didn't have anything special to post actually.  Well, one of my 'masters' Momo turned 6 years old on 27th May.  I celebrated her birthday with sushi... as Her Majesty wasn't interested in it, I had honour to enjoy it for her.  (And Leo had a couple of bites, too.)

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family, sandra bullock, movies, animals

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Comments 6

ndt56 June 3 2009, 01:10:31 UTC
Helloooo ! It's been a while ! I don 't remember when was the last time I posted a comment, my oh my !

First of all, Belated Happy Birhtday to Momo (she have the same b-date with my younger sister). She looks gorgeous in this pic, *hugs* .

Proposal,,,,, I can't wait to see this movie (as I said many times since the shootings have been started, lol !). Hope both her & Ryan come here for the promotion. Thanks a bunch for the updates. Sandy really looks young & that's unbeatable, huh !

On the other side, sad to say, that I think my obsession with KR was over.
It's me, I become obsessed and sometimes detach just as easily. Oh well,,,,, poke meh !


belelmo27cien June 3 2009, 01:37:33 UTC
Hey Nelly, thanks for your birthday wish to Momo.

I can't wait to see The Proposal either. The ending is predictable just like any other rom-com, but it looks pretty funny. I had no idea who Ryan Reynolds was before, but I started liking him actually. They said that they had been friends almost a decade, so I think it shows on screen. But I doubt they will come to Japan for promotion, though. The Japanese official site has just opened. Only the front page with the aweful, aweful Japanese title:

I'm not into Keanu much, either. One of the reasons is that most of his movies are not my type, so I don't have a high opinion of him as an actor. It may change again if he works with Sandy, though!


ndt56 June 3 2009, 01:57:50 UTC
Omigosh, that title is really awful, Bwa-haha ! How come they can't just copy the title as is ? 'Proposal' as a word is very understandable even in Japanese, right !
The title they made for 'Premonition' is acceptable but not this one. LOL !


belelmo27cien June 3 2009, 02:19:01 UTC
Can you belive that? I think it's kind of 'hayari' for Japanese distributors to name a long title. It sometimes works, but not always.


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