Just rambling again... and again

Mar 24, 2009 12:05

Spring!  Well, I'm not really a spring-person.  I'm more winter-person, so when it starts getting warmer, I feel kinda depressed just thinking about the humid, very unpleasant summer.

A horrible plane crash yesterday at the Narita Airport.  A Fedex plane failed to land and two crew got killed.  I felt bad because the first thing that came to my ( Read more... )

daily life, animals

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Comments 5

ndt56 March 24 2009, 04:15:50 UTC
Spring ! I luv it but I hate the next season to come.

"I feel I'm a horrible person." Make that the 2 of us !
I had the same thought when I saw the news.
Most of companies are using FedEx for their important cargos, right ?

Aww, those two cuties.....giggles, giggles !


belelmo27cien March 24 2009, 04:59:31 UTC
But don't you think our spring is short? Like, we have it in late March, April, and maybe early May, but soon the rainy season comes.

I don't know now, but when I was in the business, FedEx was the primary currier.

How's your bunnies?


ndt56 March 24 2009, 06:49:23 UTC
You're right, spring is short. JPN's four seasons doesn't come in order these past few years.
FedEx still is the primary courier, I guess.

My bunnies are fine except for some minor illness sometimes.


belelmo27cien March 24 2009, 07:32:08 UTC
Aww your bunnies!

Have a nice week, Nelly!


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