I missed Christmas cake!

Dec 26, 2008 12:56

Nelly's post made me realize that I didn't eat Christmas cake!  How could I miss that good excuse?  So, I bought a bunch of denishes...

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daily life, animals

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Comments 5

ndt56 December 26 2008, 04:30:28 UTC
LOL ! gimme that apple danish please !
That two cuties of yours really makes me giggle ! I wanna grab them !
So, Momo needs diet. I bet you need to consult your Vet. for that, right !?
And you went yo Yokohama without me, that's unfair ! hehe, joking !! I think we call that Ferris Wheel. Stunning !

I just came back from Lunch. I almost got blown by the strong cold wind.*chuckless*
Take care not to catch cold, you three there !


belelmo27cien December 26 2008, 04:54:18 UTC
Okay, I'm sending you that apple danish!

Well, my Vet said that it'd be better she weighs less than 5 kg (now she weighs 5.3 kg). It's hard to make a cat lose weights!

Thanks, "Ferris Wheel" that is! I went to Sting's concert there. He was sooo good.


ndt56 December 26 2008, 05:07:51 UTC
Gosh ! I made typo again('yo' supposed to be 'to)!

Oh, that's only 3 kgs. Not that heavy.
Sting's concert ? You~ !! Good to hear that
you had a nice time again.

I need to go to the bank though I don't want to, darn ! It's cold outside ! I have 2 to 3 reports
to process but I'm procrastinating & it's our last working day for this year, gaaah ! Got to go !


cecism December 26 2008, 04:50:14 UTC
Those pics are lovely! (And have made me hungry again, argh! I've eaten way too much over the last few days.) That Christmas tree is lovely! And that's a Ferris Wheel, right?


belelmo27cien December 26 2008, 04:57:14 UTC
I've been eating like a pig lately. I'll start diet (again!) in January. When I'm so busy working, I just can't bother what I eat.

Right, Ferris Wheel! Thanks! There was a Sting's concert on Sunday near that place. You know I like Keanu's looks, but I actually like Sting's looks more. Hee!


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