He's Eight Today!

Sep 27, 2008 09:31

Leo turns 8 years old today!  Yay!  I'll have a piece of cake for him.  Good excuse, eh?

Just some recent pics of Leo and a couple of Momo's.

"What are you looking at?"

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family, animals

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Comments 6

cecism September 27 2008, 03:27:11 UTC
Hee, your captions made me giggle!

Happy Birthday to Leo!


belelmo27cien September 27 2008, 07:38:28 UTC
It's fun to imagine what they're thinking!

Thanks, Cec!


ndt56 September 29 2008, 00:44:42 UTC
Giggles ! The second pic is funny but cute, lol ! That last pic of Momo showed that she love to relax in a small place too. It's more awesome if we can communicate with our cuties & know what they're thinking.

Happy Birthday to Leo !


belelmo27cien September 29 2008, 01:15:04 UTC
He understands only a few words, and when I say "Gohan," he waits there in front of his tray! They always sleep in those things. They do have nicer beds for themselves, I swear!

Thanks Nelly! Love your icon.


ndt56 September 29 2008, 01:45:30 UTC
I bet he can understands more, so as Momo. Cats are smart more than we know. I know, they just really like to stay to their fave places, right ? Our cuties do the same thing everyday. They usually go to the same places they like, to rest when they stop playing & doing some naughty things or when their stomach are full.

That icon is cute, huh ! hehee ! Thanks.


belelmo27cien September 29 2008, 02:54:54 UTC
Yeah, I guess so. Sometimes I feel they understand everything I say.

Leo is kinda stalker. He follows me around while Momo's more independent. Well, woman is always tougher than men, eh?


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