Just rambling...

May 04, 2008 13:00

Sometimes I get annoyed with trifle things.  One day I found a clip on YouTube which I originally had posted on somewhere with translation (from a Japanese Keandra interview), but on YouTube, the peron who posted the clip didn't mention anything about 'This clip is from another peron.'  I mean, I don't need my name tagged with it, but at least she ( Read more... )

sandra bullock, movies, keanu reeves, daily life

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Comments 11

sandykeanufan May 4 2008, 05:00:59 UTC
Hi Bel,

Oh yeah people like that are online. I can't believe that person actually used your "own" opinion as their own. How lame is that!

Tee hee aww so they're the ones who interviewed him. Hehe Sandra Bullock , that's right!

Aww thanks for the Sandy pics Bel, I've never seen them before. Wow she absolutely looks soo young here. I can't wait to see The Proposal movie since I have a huge crush on Ryan Raynolds hehe.

I downloaded the movie (street kings) , I think my bro is just watching it downstairs hehe. Don't worry I'll buy you the dvd here if in case you guys don't get it there in Japan. You guys don't have to pay for it hehe, you and Ate Nelly. That's my Birthday/Christmas gift to you guys.

I found it online here too hehe. (Tons of movies there btw)



belelmo27cien May 4 2008, 08:18:27 UTC
Well, I think most of people that I deal with online are polite enough, but I was really irritated with that Japanese woman who used my personal opinion as her own. I just couldn't believe how she could have thought I wouldn't check the site!

That Sandy pic was posted on SBC by Lizzy first. And I found the same one on Boston Herald, which sometimes reports on "The Proposal" as they're filming in and around Boston. Ryan and Sandy look good together. He, like Keanu, looks good without beard I think.

Aww thanks so much for your buying me (& Nelly) the dvd! And thanks for the link for just in case I have urge to see that!


ndt56 May 7 2008, 03:56:09 UTC
Hey Cheryll, good to hear from you again.
Thanks in advance for the DVD, hehee ! Thanks also for the link. I visited & registered to be able to view it later.
Take care always.


cecism May 4 2008, 05:26:12 UTC
People can be so infuriating! Especially when you've gone to the trouble of translating and posting, and then other people don't even acknowledge it. I don't blame you for being irritated! (Maybe next time you post something you can add something like, "If you want to post this elsewhere please credit me for it". But I don't know how that would come across in Japanese.)

Yep, the woman is Jo! It's actually not a very good picture of her, but I saw her in real life a few weeks ago and she's rather pretty. And the guy on the left is Matt, and the bald guy on the right is the guy who does all the celebrity gossip (but because Keanu was in the studio that day, they all interviewed him!).

And those pics of Sandy are gorgeous. Oh man, how does she look so good?! Thanks for those!


belelmo27cien May 4 2008, 08:24:00 UTC
I wish I were brave enough to say like, "back off, b**ch!" Just kidding, I'm too decent to say that!!

Thanks for telling me who's who! I was wondering which one is Matt. So, Jo is even prettier than that pic,eh? Keanu must have been happy to talk with her. Maybe that's why he sounded so relaxed!

Yeah, I really like those pics of Sandy's. I think she looks younger with her hair up. If I knew Keanu's e-mail address of his mobile phone, I'd sent that pic to him!


ndt56 May 7 2008, 03:48:13 UTC
Hey Bel, Im' late for this. How is your current mood now ?

Those persons who don't have the right manner & don't mind snatching someone's original works without asking permision should be reported as inappropriate users. It doesn't mean harshness, you have the right to do such actions. Oh well, if you just want to let it go then, I guess I should not say these things. Sorry about dat !

Oh, our Keandra ! I wonder why Keanu always have a look-like attire in most of his pics *grin*.
I love Sandy's pics too. She always look glooming.
Thank you for sharing them here.


belelmo27cien May 7 2008, 04:04:01 UTC
Hey Nelly, how was your Golden Week? Enough resting? Or enough tiring? I'm okay. My 'bitchy' mood doesn't last long usually. I'm a very shallow person! lol!

About the person on YouTube, I just don't want to have any trouble with her because she's a regular on another board (I'm sure you know which one). And the Japanese person on the Japanese Keanu fansite, I'll just see if she'll do it again. Basically, I'm too timid/lazy to do the right things. But thanks for your support, Nelly!

Yeah, Keanu always wears a jacket & T-shirt, for at least 3-4 years? He wears those in his private times, too, so I guess he really likes them. Well, our boy isn't very fashion-oriented,is he?


ndt56 May 7 2008, 04:35:43 UTC
I had a half tiring, half-resting golden week.

You, shallow ? Naah !
I'm not sure if I can correctly guess the one in YouTube but I'll search later. What's the topic ? Sorry, but I feel like watching & reading it.
Yeah, Keanu is not very fashionable. Anyways, I always love watching his pics & vids, lol .


belelmo27cien May 7 2008, 04:46:46 UTC
I guess 'half-tiring' always comes with the married life.

Well, you have no idea how shallow I could be! Heee! The YouTube is this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vd0vj4ZYnW4
Surprisingly, the person who posted this one just copied the exactly same quotes I had posted on the other board. I tried to find something like,"this is from another person" note, but couldn't find it. Am I missing something? Oh, blah. I guess she just forgot to mention it.


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