Behold....My Story!

Aug 10, 2004 20:43

At last! It is complete...and how...uh...interesting! Purely interesting, to make it.


And for your information, it's a lemon about uh....Andy Warhol and John Lennon getting it on!

So if you're game...

Here it is! :D

(btw...before you read, it's important to note that: i included the shoe bits coz andy had himself quite a shoe fetish hehehe...and uh...the scars are there because well...he was shot in 1968 and barely survived :x)
but yeah ;]


By Juliet Benson

Andrew Warhola was indescribably despondent. Isolated, in a state of forlorn and quiet mourning
in his bedroom. Curled up, his ventral surface against his knees on his angular black sofa, the loss
of his mother the day prior, he could barely process. A constant in his aloof and enigmatic
existance, she had provided him with a kind of solace none else whom he had met, had ever matched or
exceded. Julia had left a sharp void in a creature of acute perceptions. He was not thinking of much
in particular. Trying to numb himself, he had sunken purely into the devastating effects of the pain
itself. No one, not even his two maids and close associate Brigid Berlin could find a way to allow
themselves to approach him at a time when the magnitude of his suffering was both unspoken and
deeply disturbing.

As he began to look around him and attempt to consider his surroundings, find something real again,
he felt a jolt of piercing angst begin to flood his system...At which point he sharply recoiled and
changed positions listlessly. In his usual clothing of leather and shiny silver wig, he had
attempted revive normallcy in himself and yet could not bear to change out of them, so lost was he in an
alien world of despair.

All at once, there came a somewhat timid knock on the door. Andy squeezed his face up attempting to
ignore such. As he stretched his lanky body out again, in an attempt to return to a state of
claustrophobic numbness, he heard it again, reduced to a more soft form of tapping...and a familiar
voice. "Andy...uh...Can it be I could see you?"

Andy froze. Many mixed emotions were coming to him at this time. It was John Lennon, he was well
aware, yet barely aware enough outside his own thoughts, to be able to fathom opening his bedroom
door, which he, in his state, had neglected to lock in the first place.

"'re here", Andy found himself muttering in his low voice...barely audible...but with
delicate motions and noises, the doorknob turned and the door was John's solemn and
visibly disgruntled presence strolled hesitantly onto the carpet.

Andy closed his eyes, opened them, and their eyes met in a moment as wrenching as it was dream-like.

Then, shaking himself quickly out of that alarming state, John said quietly "Oh, Andy...I knew
something was wrong when you weren't at the Factory. I'm so sorry to intrude...But it's just that
they told me...that you're mum had just died. And I couldn't help but completely sense that kind of
grief and alarm..." He almost whispered, "When mine was killed..." He trailed off.

Andy's eyes looked down gloomily. He sighed quietly, yet the heaving could be seen on his chest as
he did so. John bit his lower lip sorrowfully. "Well..." Andy intoned softly. "She...She...I guess I
can't describe it...But she always did everything she could. She was magic like that..Everything she
could for me. In this way of hers...After all this time..I wouldn't know what more to say.." He held
back emotions as he said "Cos when I'm feeling like this now it just..." He slowly looked around
beside him, with a nervous expression, then squished the side of his head against the top of the
couch cushion. He closed his eyes and the sheer forlorn nature of his state caused John to wince.

"Oh now Andy..." he cooed concernedly. "I...None of it is for nothing. You know?...You know that;
see we've...been given these gifts and..."

He sat down cautiously on the couch cushion next to Andy's location of suppressed misery.

Andy slowly turned his head and gazed at John, the eyes of whom, lit something in him, but he didn't
know what at a moment like that. He turned fully round, and rolled his head back, staring at the
ceilling blankly.

"Mama's found a place to visit...everywhere" he spoke dreamily.

Both became awkwardly silent. A feeling of remoteness came over them both, only to hit them again
slowly, the closeness they now had to each other.

" you want me to leave?" John stammered softly, yet abruptly.

"" Andy trailed off.

"Is Yoko around here?" he then found himself asking.

"Nah she's just...well she's very sorry she couldn't be here, and sorry about what's happened..but
she didn't know if she should "invading" you..or whatnot. She's downton...Guess she's adding
new touches to her record." John stopped, not wanting to chat Andy up in his unpredictable emotional

"Hey uhm..." John began to utter. "I can't begin to say it...How fucking much this all hurts...Like
such a goddamn mutherfucker. I'm really around...Andy."

"I almost can't believe any of this" Andy said turning up to John a bit, yet nervous of his eyes.
"What do you do when it all becomes a dream? It's sort of all unreal to me, whatever is happening
now..whatever's happened recently."

He then looked away once more, then spoke very quietly. "You've always been great...It's kind of a

John was suddenly overcome by the poignance of his friend's feelings, more than before. He couldn't
remain distant in any way.

John sighed deeply, looked to the side, then cocked his head near Andy's. "Would it be alright..Can
I just..." he held his breath..."Can I hug just you?" he uttered instinctively and almost inaudibly.

The shy object of this adress tensed for a moment, yet felt strangely relieved in the midst of the
swirling craziness of the events that were taking place.

All at once he found himself timidly and breathily conceding..."Yehh." The slightest, secretive
smile crept up on his delicate, sensually expressive lips.

Without words, John gleefully grasped Andy to his bosom and rested his head on his shoulder.

Inside, Andy's mind was rushed with a kind of new warmth. He found himself instinctively nestling
into John's protective grasp, almost afraid to breathe. Then they both began to drift away from
their cares more and more, nudging softly as Andy burried his face little by little in John's fluffy
auburn mane.

Time seemed, for once, to stand still for the both of them. Nudges became friendly caresses, Andy
calming ever so slightly more and more, as they nuzzled and cradled each other in a tender solace
they were liesurely creating. Despondence was fading into the background at this time.

They really didn't have any time to contemplate this oasis, its newness to them. Just gripping each
other's embraces pleasantly, and allowing this unspoken comfort to take shape.

Before either of them really had anything to think or say about it, John, who had been edging his
way with increased affection, up around Andy's shoulders, neck and ears, seeming to do it so innocently...
Managed to catch his lips in the path of his involved journey.

All Andy could do at this turn of events for an unforseen event in the first place, was intuitively
move his lips in a caressing motion, at the feel of this velvety touch. In a trance, they parted
their lips, suspended from all else, concentrating on their movements. Smoothe ivory texture of
teeth, running over into each other's mouths and mingling with all the textures, exploring these
lands with nothing else in mind...They were spurred on by the tastes, and as they playfully tongue-
wrestled, a rush came over them.

In an instant, it had all happened, and they gently slipped their faces away from each other with an
immediate shyness. Andy rested his head on the area of John's right collar bone and cocked it
upward, his doe-eyes gazing coyly into John's, yet at an angle.

"You didn't say anything about kissing" he said quietly, and with an air of amusement.

John chuckled in an almost dreamlike way, still keenly aware of Andy's sensitively graceful hands
resting in almost a grasp on either side of his slender waist. This feeling intensified a silent
desire for the unearthily formed, elfin beauty so close by him.

"Bonnie creature," John muttered half-jokingly in his wording, as Andy moved cooperatively towards
him, with a cautious slowness, as he was somewhat mystified by this realm of being.

Then John gently grasped Andy's chin and both closed their eyes enchantedly, indulging in another,
more serious passionate kiss, rubbing their noses over each other's lovely faces as they filled each
other with flowing warmth.

At this time their hands seemed simultaneously to pick up on this flow, and wander about the back of
the neck, and down the back, around each other's sides, and eventually, groping each other
fervantly, yet with light, wistful grasps.

As they had crept into a horizontal position, Andy felt extremely unusual, yet didn't want to stop
these unreal events.

"These clothes are so oppressive," he almost whispered, his eyes rolled to the ceilling, as though
almost unsure of what he said.

But as John muttered in agreement "Eh...aren't they now?" with an air of his own shyness about
things, Andy truly felt a wish to let it continue in this way.

Breathlessly, and with half-closed eyes they both leaned into each other slightly as John's shapely,
pale hands began to undo Andy's seductively shiny leather jacket, allowing it simply to slide to the
floor after being slowly unbuttoned and unzipped before their eyes. Andy closed his once in a while
to simply feel the emotional texture of these moments.

John's deft fingers pulled up Andy's underlying t-shirt, and then devotedly undid the blue corset
that lay beneath, with unflinching willingness. Yet slowly he did this, relishing every inch of
revealed flesh, caring not how marred by winding scars it was in some parts.

Andy felt quite timid at the knowledge of his injuries' visibility. But John's involved persistance
began to settle him somewhat, still in disbelief that this uniquely handsome creature was undressing
him slowly.

In such a state of realization was he, that he felt John's undoing of his smoothe leather pants very
closely with fingers and teeth, was still a surprise when it was finished. He had but experienced it
passively with unconciously spread thighs.

Somewhere along the way before, he thought to himself, he hadn't even noticed that either he or John
had removed his shoes and socks. It had seemed to go by unchecked throughout their newfound
relishing of touch and taste.

Immediately, as John began to slip Andy's underwear in slow motion, over his hips and tug downward
at it, Andy was reaching forward, only his hands extended as his head and neck reclined on the couch
arm behind him, unbuttoning John's lightly striped shirt. He had it fully undone at last, and with a
childlike delight, maneuvered it over and away from his darling's body altogether flinging it
casually to the corner.

All Andy could do now was look up as John finished the removal of his final article of clothing, to
reveal a rising, dark-pink member seemingly aimed straight at his face. John tossed his hair
fetchingly, and gazed up at Andy's sparkley eyes, still not wishing to humble him at this point. He
reached up to Andy's head, who then busied himself with the undoing of John's tightly fitting
jeans. John wriggled out of them elastically when they began to droop down his elegantly slim legs.

As Andy relished John's caresses engulfing his skull, he realized that, once more, caught up in the
queerly paradisical nature of it all, he had not even noticed one of his many silver-tinted wigs had
simply fallen away from him, to reveal his tufty, if not gently curled, short, jet-black locks.

He fell into a reverie as he realized how John was delighting in nuzzling, kissing his head, and
burrying his nose and mouth in Andy's hidden, natural fluff.

With John approaching his head from the side, Andy, after this instant of knowing, stretched his
nimble and refinedly delicate legs to either side of John's gently writhing hips, licking his lips
as he maneuvered them away from John's crotch and methodically down each inch of his solid yet
refined legs and shanks.

He almost went catatonic at the sight of the thick, ever-inflating cock dangling splendidly from the
strong, yet elegant body before him. But Andy knew not to indulge just yet. Once he moved John's
underwear right down to the tops of his shoes, Andy began to make John aware of the fact that he was
wearing shoes, by rubbing the underwear against them, with his bare feet, massaging with this toes,
enjoying every moment of it.

"Oh I should...I should get those off," John muttered to himself.

"No don't do that," Andy teased softly. "You know they're doing something to me."

He admired John's quizzically amused expression, smilling at him mock-wickedly.

Andy then proceeded to stretch himself out, his midsection resting gently against the couch cushions
as he compelled John to lay both his legs directly in front of him.

"Ooohh theye're so shiny," Andy purred. John chuckled gently as he felt the very slight sensation of
a hotness and a texture; that of Andy's flexible tongue moving from the shoe's own tongue, down a
little further, covering the surface. He admired the texture and all the little holes in the shoes
as he pressed his lips against them, sucking gently, smelling them, and carefully staying only on
the clean parts, knowing from all his other senses that they were pure new shoes.

John was wordless at this hotly bizarre moment, and had never experienced anything so inexpresibly,
confoundingly stimulating.

By the time Andy was nipping at his socks, and staring up at him wryly, John reacted just as Andy
had hoped and scooped his petit phisique up, tenderly back onto the sofa.

Their alabaster bodies entwined, they started to giggle somewhat tensely.

Then, John, who had been resting his head beside Andy as they had giggled, began to lick under
Andy's chin and cause him to freeze, sensitized, knowing it was about to go much further.

John's probing tongue began to cover Andy's front with kisses, at a liesurely pace. But as John
wound around his nipples and began to create the paradise, Andy realized that he would encounter his
sensitive scars soon.

He shuddered at first, but eventually found John's gentle, passionate kisses both enticing and
soothing to the aching wounds that still plagued his torso. Those unbelievably sensory hands began
to make him come undone. He sighed deeply as the two glanced at each other in a lustful malayse.

All at once, as John bent down, caressing his hips, and licked the hole in his side, feelings began
to rush into Andy's shy sedate conciousness that normally concealed his sensitivity. A tear fell
from his glistening eyes.

John sensed Andy's emotions and roamed along further, going back to the center of his his

"Oooohh..." Andy purred as the warm breath inched closer to his notably erect sex. He was torn
between wanting to balk out of shyness, wanting to wank off..But he let John's delicate mouth work
its magic, hypnotize them both as they began to breathe heavily.

John continued to shed his warm breath about Andy's lower belly, whilst massaging his hips, looking
up every so often seductively, til finally the object of his seduction whined breathlessly "Oh god
John...I'm begging you.." His shivering, anticipating breath, vibrated through him, shaking the
belly against which John was carrying out his procedures.

Immediately, Andy almost fainted when his swelling erection was swallowed whole, all at once by
incredible warm wetness. He inadvertantly let out a cry of great pleasure, but feeling the rhythm of
their interaction, couldn't climax just yet.

He growled softly as John's elastically soft, moist lips pressed against his member and slid around,
touching the tip only in tiny licks, and alternately swallowing his ripe scrotum whole. Andy
automatically stroked John's hair.

By gentle pressure, and alive tension from each other, each sensed the other was secretly longing
for more. So after a final slurping kiss on the underside of Andy's stiffness, the two instinctively
moved towards each other, falling into an embrace that made them both itchily stand up, their cocks
pressing irresistably against each other's lower bodies.

Their footsteps synchronized til they had reached the wall nearest the bathroom, and as Andy kinkily
nibbled at John's earlobes and nuzzled around, the two caressed each other's buttocks, and Andy
began to lean in submissive positions, signalling John to ask him, "Wish to let me in?" not without
subtle nervous chuckling.

"This is making me feel really virgin," Andy smiled as he turned a bit red, slightly abashed, yet
still caressing John's lower body ever more deeply with his long artistic fingers.

John kissed his elegant Slavic nose and said "Whatever you want..Just go with it..Think of it, we're
right here and all..." There was a look of dreamy magic in his soulful eyes.

They began to entwine affectionately, and eventually, Andy crouched forward on the carpet, his legs
splayed slightly, and looked back slyly. For anyone to resist him like this would be insane.

John got down with him, almost in slow-motion, as though time was stopping as he imagined how all
this was truly occurring. His first impulses were to make his partner as relaxed and efortlessly
amorous as possible. He acted without need for thought, smoothing and massaging the curves of Andy's
back and over his shoulders and neck, the beginnings of his arms, longingly. Andy arched his back
and tucked his head backwards, into nudging John's arms gently.

It was all John needed.

Silently and filled with the flaming cravings harboured by them both, he mounted his boyish mate. A
slow achingly pleasant, adrenaline-fueled gasp permeated their midst as John sweetly moved forward,
sliding his arms down Andy's for the moments coming, and nestled his unbearably tense cock in the
smoothe crack of his comely exotic one's arse.

Andy could be heard sighing breathlessly, "Ahhhh.." and their bodies then caved and melded together
perfectly in an instance like nothing in their lives before.

They tossed their heads in ecstatic disbelief as they simultaneously entered this world, far more
unreal than any of that unexpected and unreal afternoon. Smoothing sliding in, both of them
shuddered at the unbelievably powerful caress, and reveled in the calm at alternate moments, soon
becoming more intensely engulfed in the passion than ever...

John became driven by his keen awareness of Andy's soft, lilting whines and whimpers, and their
movements became fluid, surging through both of them, as they felt and heard the pleasure they were
giving and taking from each other in a fast whirling cycle that swept them up into paradise.

In a moment of especial inspiration, John guided them both to a standing position against the wall,
taking care of course, to move his sweetheart gently, for his torso was fragile.

"Mmmm...God where are you taking me?" Andy blurted in a fervant near-whisper.

John could barely answer as he felt his sex gripped by, yet gliding so freely in the intricate
tendrils of Andy's inner sanctuary.

"Ahahh...aahhh...Just keep moving" Andy blurted again in a hysterical wince.

John uncontrollably obliged with an impassioned groan, blinded by yearning brighter than the most
expensive glowing orbs of high-class shops worldwide. He thrust into his lover uncontrollably, taking in the sensuous textures of him. Andy was spastically grunting as the affection pushing-and-pulling, the tugging of his most pleasurable nerves, intensified mercilessly, naturally. Andy felt as though he might speak in tongues at any second..Sweet ones, mysterious ones, loving ones.

...John was touching and kissing Andy's body in every way possible, stroking and lapping at the back of his

Suddenly, John whispered, "Come along, babe," and lifted Andy up easily at his 115 pounds as Andy
leaned docilely against his heaving body, wriggling his arse a bit, and gasping and shivering

When they reached Andy's cushioned bed, he layed Andy down effortlessly, his legs in the air curled
around John, drawing him once again close to his throbbing arse, and lying back in utter luxury as
he was given a heavenly massage from the inside. They began to call each other's names and blurt
gibberish exclamations of wordless emotions, embracing and practically eating each other up so
electrically with other wild motions, that their converging was one of hanging on for dear, sweet

"Holy're holding me so...eehhhhh...fuck!!" was all that Andy could spastically
communicate between heavy torrents of breath....John seemed to duet with his possessedly cyclic yet
tender moans.

The friction against Andy's soft rectum made him gasp, and sent a tingle through his body, as his
muscles inadvertantly squeezed down on John's living, breathing hard-on.

........All of a sudden, the dizzying flambé of massively attacking, craze passion culminated in a
wave much akin to that created by a hydrogen bomb. Andy found himself rushed with it in a complete
loss of any sort of control...

Warmth, perfection and bliss radiated throughout his entire svelte, rigid body; insane rushing
through space and time, flashing and expolding colours...Ultimate abandon. The two men floundered as
the flooding spasm coursed through both of them, alternately grabbing each other frenziedly and
howling with inhuman ecstasy, their necks tossing backwards and forwards.

They emerged dazed, entangled in a kiss, with tears in their eyes, like a yin-yang with two
perfectly balanced yangs knowing their way to eternity's magic.

Panting and sweating and smiling at each other, their mutual lust and all the subtlties of their
feelings, so purely gratified, they lay as one.

Awakening from the overpowering stupor, still filled with wonder and awe, John affectionately
grabbed Andy around the uninjured areas of his sides, and spun the yang-yang they had made, over so
Andy was on top.

Andy's warm, glistening murky sperm was scattered on both their bellies, prompting John to dazedly
move down and lick it off joyfully from everywhere it was on Andy's ventral surface.

Andy, who was still in a confused wonderland, ejaculate seeping from his gaping tunnel, was prompted
by John's dutifully sweet motions all over his abdomen and lower...

In a tiny risidual spurt and a great squeal from Andy's throat, he was once again taken by an
shuddering orgasm, that stunned both him and John immeasurably.

When he sort of "awoke" he was in John's arms, being held warmly.

He looked into John's face.

"Fantasm, spasm orgasm!" John almost barked out loud with amusement.

Andy beamed up with a knowing smile and the two play-fought for a few moments, snagging kisses on
the cheek when they wished.

"You're just quite...uh...Hah...damn how kinky!" John found himself chortling.

Andy half-grinned wickedly with those lips John adored so much and intoned, "Oh, hehehehe...I've
always been quite kinky. I really am." He looked about for a moment, settling once again on the bed.
"You're ambrosial." He said, revealing the stars in his eyes.

They stroked each other's hands innocently for a few minutes before John turned to Andy, resting his
head on his shoulder and looking straight into his eyes.

"I uh..." He looked away suddenly; Andy could read the shyness of his intentions. John sensed the
presience and intensity of those gorgeous eyes and had to try once more to speak to them.

"I uh..." He laughed nervously. "Love you..."

He finished.

Andy looked reclusive and confused for a moment and then softly intoned "Mmmmm..."and shyly leaned
into John's sleakly muscular arms, where they both fell into a sleepy reverie for a time, content.

"Ah, damn" John muttered when they looked up later on. "I've really got to leave but mm...To see
Yoko. I can't wait to see though, her project. It's really something."

Andy looked up at him frankly, speaking, "Oh god...uh...her. Oh well, she's fabulous, of course....
Do you think she'll mind?" He smiled, half-chagrined.

John grinned broadly. "Ahaha...well...We've really got that covered. Yoko and I. She's the most
wonderful woman. She just...gets it. She could think of you as my mistress if she doesn't already."

The two began to laugh heartily and snatch knowing looks at each other in the midst of it all. All this as John was getting dressed.

"I'll be around, love" John shot his eyes straight at Andy.

"Hehe...Call me." Andy grinned.

At that, John walked over to plant a soul-kiss on Andy's expressive, slender, rich pink lips, and
drifted with an unusual spring, lightly out the door, and closed it with a barely audible click.

Andy laid back in his bed, not caring about whatever sperm was on the sheets or coverlet now. He
smiled to himself as he took the most soaked one and saved it in a box beneath his bed. When he
settled back in, soothed by thoughts of this intense and friendly tryst, he looked at the spirit-
world with a clear eye, and bid them greetings.

So uh....that's that!

I just er...had to write it finally hehehe. I thought of it when i was bored on the plane home from British Columbia on Friday. And i rapidly started taking my naughty little notes ;)

Peace :>

and uhuhuhu...sweet dreams ;9 !
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