Title: Cherry blossom, well, soar Characters: Sho and Misono Location: Sho's place/Washingtong DC Week: Week 33; Wednesday, April 6th; 5:31 am Rating: G Warning: It is five thirty in the morning. Again
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Sho was having a dream about washing dishes. He kept washing and washing, but then they wouldn't get fully clean, spaghetti sauce and syrup and other random residue stuck on plates and around the side of a pot and it was frustrating. Pretty odd for a stress dream, but it wasn't too unusual for him to find things to be stressed about when all was calm in his life. Maybe his body was just naturally made to be worried about something or other
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Mimi. Her breath clogged up in her lungs for a second. He didn't sound like anything more than a woken-up Sho Sakurai who was making sure it was her out on the other side of his door. She pressed her hands together, hiding them inside of her sleeves. "It's me. I--you don't need to let me in, you don't have to, but I want you to come out. There's something I want to show you, someplace, and so I was hoping you'd come out with me."
She didn't mention that she knew he had the day off. She didn't want him to feel pressured if he said no. If he said no, she would take the cab she had waiting to the station and go by herself, giving away the train ticket she had for Sho. But...but she really had the hope that he'd come. "I really want to go with you today, aniki." She held her breath and waited.
He wasn't sure why Misono had this habit of wanting him to do things in the early hours of the morning, but it was definitely... unique. It might have been nice to share a coffee around 10 AM someday, or go for a walk when the sun was setting... not... you know, rising.
But Misono would always be herself and there was charm to that.
"Can I get dressed first?" he asked with a helpless laugh as he opened the door to her, his laughter quieting when he saw how she was dressed.
Wow. He'd never really seen her like this before. Not that she didn't look pretty at other times, but this was really pretty. And it suited her! And he wasn't sure where the heck they were going if she was going in that.
Well. He didn't have anything to do today, right?
"Do I need to dress up? Because none of my suits are clean," he asked as he opened the door more, gesturing for her to come inside.
He was laughing and opening the door and asking if he could get dressed first. He was asking if he had to dress up because he was going to come and he wanted to do it properly. She wanted to throw herself on him but they were probably not that made-up enough yet. She would let Sho lead the way, because he would know and he would not let her misstep
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Comments 4
She didn't mention that she knew he had the day off. She didn't want him to feel pressured if he said no. If he said no, she would take the cab she had waiting to the station and go by herself, giving away the train ticket she had for Sho. But...but she really had the hope that he'd come. "I really want to go with you today, aniki." She held her breath and waited.
But Misono would always be herself and there was charm to that.
"Can I get dressed first?" he asked with a helpless laugh as he opened the door to her, his laughter quieting when he saw how she was dressed.
Wow. He'd never really seen her like this before. Not that she didn't look pretty at other times, but this was really pretty. And it suited her! And he wasn't sure where the heck they were going if she was going in that.
Well. He didn't have anything to do today, right?
"Do I need to dress up? Because none of my suits are clean," he asked as he opened the door more, gesturing for her to come inside.
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