Title: The Sun's a Bright Star
Characters: Ikuta Toma (and Jam!), Nishikido Ryo
Location: Balto Statue, Near 66th & 67th St, Central Park
Week: Week 26, Thursday, February 17th, 6:11 PM
Rating: PG (?)
Warnings: Man and toy poodle bonding time
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Now, after doing his best to ignore the random coins people have been tossing at him-- he hasn't even played any songs, he's just been plucking at strings and messing with a few compositions the whole time-- Ryo's fingers are a bit chilled. Break time.
Ryo laid his guitar across his lap with a sigh, his sheet music crinkling underneath the weight, and reached for his thermos. Good thing he'd come prepared; coffee was always a great way to warm frozen fingers.
"Woah woah woah," he sped up to keep up with Jam, who he'd taken off the leash. She was usually well-behaved and followed the sound of his voice, but now she seemed to have spotted something she liked and was determined to go after it. A rodent of some sort? A tiny bird? He actually wasn't sure what she was chasing, but he took off after her back to pick her up before she ran between the legs of an unsuspecting musician.
He was a little too late.
"Sorry about that! I'm really sorry," he apologized on Jam's behalf, finally getting her attention and picking her up before she could get away from him away. "She's been a bit cooped up lately. She gets like this when we haven't gone out in awhile."
Blinking in mild confusion, he gave the dog a pat on the head. "Uh, good dog?" At least it was cute and small and unable to damage anything (unless it decided to piddle on him, which he hoped it did not.)
Then, as suddenly as it had invaded his space, it was gone and the owner was apologizing to him. The owner... who seemed familiar from somewhere. Ryo shrugged. "Don't worry about it. A sudden invasion of cute isn't so bad."
"Do you take requests?" he asked and nodded at the instrument.
He knew that some people did just for the sake of change in a hat, and others didn't because they were trying to preserve some false sense of dignity. This guy seemed pretty normal and easygoing in general. Though... Toma couldn't help but think he might have seen him before. Maybe he'd been in the park another time?
"Not for me! For Jam here. She loves The Beatles."
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