Title: A Little Appreciation
Characters: Nishikido Ryo, Ninomiya Kazunari, and Ohno Satoshi
Location: Ryo's Apartment
Week: Week 24, Monday January 31, 6:30 PM
Rating: PG
Warnings: Alcohol. Bomb shotglassesFor the first time since arriving in New York, Ryo's apartment was going to have someone in it other than himself. It was a pretty exciting
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He'd picked up a few more bags of snack-like foods during his lunch break, pretzels and some chips, leaving Ohno to get any more alcohol that he saw fit on the way home from work. Ohno would know what to get for shots. Nino would stare blankly at the choices for an age and wind up getting cheap wine. Or something.
"Ah, that must be his apartment," Nino said, poking Ohno in the shoulder.
"Mm, probably," Ohno said when he was poked. He rang the buzzer and waited for the answer, leaning into Nino just a bit.
Why did it still have to be so damned cold?!
"The front door isn't locked, so just come inside." The speakers were a bit old, enough that there was a small crackle, but hopefully not too bad. It'd been a while since he'd had to work the damn thing. "Fourth floor, last door on the right. Got that?"
It was much better inside than out, but the chill in the air lingered far too long for Nino's liking. He rubbed his hands together as they made their way to Ryo's apartment. Nino pushed the door open. "This winter bites."
When shit got real in the soba shop, Nino wanted to be the one laughing, not the one being laughed at. It was part of his nature.
They were three different levels of drunk, and that was just kind of fun, wasn't it?
Ohno decided it was time to start mixing, so he grabbed a plastic cup from the bag he'd brought, a can of sprite and the tequila bottle again. This time though, to make things interesting, Ohno filled the cup with sprite and dropped the tequila shot in like a bomb.
"It's a torpedo!"
His thoughts on Nino were quickly thrown aside when Ohno announced his creation of a torpedo. "Captain!" he said, in a tone of pure panic. "Captain, we've got an unidentified blip on the sonar! It's moving in fast! We've tried radioing in, but there's no response-- At this rate, they'll crash right into us!"
He looked at the bottles of alcohol on the table. The tequila was mostly gone but there was still quite a bit of vodka left. He guessed they'd be okay with what they had. At least for a while.
He set their shot glasses up again and filled them with the vodka. The kicks would probably start soon, anyway, and they'd need them.
Barely five minutes into the movie and the Hero was already getting ambushed by some gang. His boot met a villain's face and Ryo shook his head, absently grabbing for his newly filled glass. "That took long."
He reached for the bottle to pour for the second round.
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