
Oct 10, 2009 18:21

"A metaphysical hub for enlightenment.

Outsiders, revolutionaries, and free thinkers have come together to create a beacon of hope for all generations.

While this may seem like a psychedelic trip to idealism, this magazine is based off of science, artistry, and the exploration of self. We understand that change can happen, an evolution within the people, who have dealt with negativity and oppressed social environments for too long. Banshee provides an outlet and a one of a kind source into the beginning of that change. It combines poetry, written word, art, imagery, video and music. Banshee is a multi-media powerhouse that has the possibility of reaching countless people and influencing every facet of their lives towards a better future. A positive shift of kindness, love and understanding towards those around us.

Many of the great magazines today had humble beginnings, just a spark of hope flickering and waiting to ignite. Banshee is ready to emerge as the next great change, a much needed change, and the time for such is now" ~ Sharon Dotson

image Click to view

So... yes

Capable of involving anyone from anywhere at any time, Banshee has the potential to help ~in a very significant way~ that change come about

With a new kind of magazine

"I am the kind of person who believes in more than the conforming popular status quo. I believe in believing. I am not Pollyanna and think the world should just be covered in sugar to make it sweet. I think someone like me would read this because it's the only thing I've ever seen that still applies the idea of moving forward in a positive way, looking for alternative answers and yet still embraces the edgy side of life. Wonderful. :0)" ~ Lisa Steinke

A magazine that not only inspires and helps every one who reads it in -deeply- effective ways, but which also acts as a potential catalyst for a whole movement of people who want REAL practical positive change to happen, yet don’t know how such can possibly come about...

As a ‘bringer together’ of people & passion (energy) we can pioneer a radical evolution of the way in which printed media works, thereby strengthening considerably the wave of awakening and revolutionary action being taken to improve our world ~ across the world

Away from scandalous sensationalism, we intend to shine a way in which entertainment can be honest


…and amazing

Beginning with Rainbow Banshee

(It needs a bit of polishing-up an' stuff before being printed, but you get the idea....)

With an initial print run of 5000, Rainbow Banshee can realistically begin to create a nice stir within ‘the underground’ and also within the celebrity realm as well, which will help us become an established trusted name as we follow it up with an increasingly evolving progression of ~*special edition*~ magazines…

London Banshee (The Revolution Issue) - also ready for printing (needing only slight revision)
LA Banshee (The Real Issue)
NY Banshee (The Truth Issue)
'Dam Banshee (The Liefde Issue)
& Boro Banshee (The pUnK Issue) - ready for photocopying

...from which we will have fully earned our reputation as a top quality source of useful information, laughs and cutting-edge revelations of talent which is out there, whilst also generating a sizable pool of money which can be used to free up as many of us as possible (into our self-employed roles ~ as we work together on this group project as well as those of our own) along with being able to help out any banshee who needs, together with helping out other projects that are happening and who too help forward the practical progression of positive change

With the level of support we could potentially have by the time all those magazines are out there giving people a new thrill and shaking things up a bit; we'd become so energetically powerful and influential that we could then explode within the realm of public consciousness with:

Banshee UK (The Health Issue)
& Banshee USA (The Energy Issue)

Possibly Banshee (The Shift Issue) as a 3rd?

Creating a MASSIVE stir and raising awareness of a movement of evolutionaries which is happening all over the world, and helping in a very unique way to catalyze and focus us all into dynamic healthy action ~ as amongst other things, the opportunity will be open and encouraged for people to create their own localised versions of Banshee Magazine
(eg. Chicago Banshee, Scunthorpe Banshee ;- Abu Dhabi Banshee etc... no limits to how many there can be, all franchised out and given whole-hearted support by us)

Alongside that, and as an immediate precurser, we have ~*Banshee TV*~, which has been created to be OUR free-pUnK-spirited DIY internet TV Channel, that carries with it a HUGE potential to help share awareness, shine realistic hope, inspire creativity and generally entertain whoever stumbles upon it

It's just a question of tapping into and exploding such potential



We can do this

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