They had their orders, and they had their away team: Kirk, Chekov, Travis Harris, Gutierrez and Robinson, whom Kirk had never met. Though the Gutierrez woman was hot, in an understated fireplug sort of way. The mission was both simple and deceptively simple: figure out whether Roger Korby was alive down there and, if so, what he was doing
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Harris had one of his larger rifles. Whether he was carrying it because it was fun and allowed, or likely necessary, Chekov didn't care. Gutierrez and Robinson were more subtle, or less equipped. Once again, Chekov didn't care. Both Kirk and he would have stanard issue, though Chekov always had his knives.
Cмог он спрятать оружия?
Stupid question, of course he could. Whether he had was the important question. Chekov would deal with it when it came. If Korby wasn't a frozen corpse, they might need weapons. Might not.
"Vhat exactly are ve vaiting for?" Chekov prompted sharply and regarded the operators at the controls. The two engineers stared at him nervously and nodded. "Energize."
There was something so wrong going on. He wasn't sure what, but he could see that Chekov and happy-skeleton-Kirk didn't like it either. Good, then.
They were stranded? It was an obvious lie, given how well kept they all appeared, but Korby was quite devoted to it. One did not announce something like that, particularly to armed officers, unless they were prepared to defend it. Chekov offered him a thoughtful frown.
"Zen it is wery fortunate zat ve hawe come," Chekov announced truthfully. "Your communications dewices, they are broken." It was less a question and more a statement of fact. If they were not, defecting and treason would be charges easy to lobby about.
"This vill make my official tasks difficult," Chekov clarified. They were far enough down, far enough out, that it was plausible their communicators were out of range.
Which had been terribly convenient.
"But to answer your question, yes. Much of our equipment did not survive the harsh conditions above; our own survival is due to these caves' existence."
It was as he'd suspected. A check-up from the Empire, a potential claim of treason. Such claims Korby had been careful to rule out in the hopes of just such an event. He might have used more time still, but this fell into his overall plan nicely.
Kirk wondered what he'd found down here. Who Andrea was. How long Korby'd planned his neat little "rescue party" line.
It was a convenient excuse. Chekov was not often in the habit of providing them, but this conversation was growing tiresome and he was curious.
"Vhether or Нeт it vas a rescue mission initially, Doctor, I canнeт imagine ze Keptin' vill leawe you here. If it is нeт to much trouble, perhaps I could see vhat is left of your equipment, Дa?"
He gestured to a door, one of three in the room. "Perhaps some of your men would prefer to wait here, and take refreshment?"
"Wouldn't mind a seat, sir," he said. "It was a long walk."
"Дa," Chekov agreed brightly. "Zis sounds most acceptable." Harris was behind him, it was an inevitability. The security brute would be sufficient protection. "Please, lead the vay."
"Is it? Hawe you determined zee nature them? Of their functions?" Chekov prompted idly. Really, he didn't give a shit about the local archeological state, but if Korby was going to blather on, it might inadvertently provide something of interest.
"But you can't be interested in these old parts," he said genially. "I've heard such things about the Enterprise. It must be exciting."
They were moving into rooms stacked with parts, brokedn Human equipment, scattered bits of Andorian, even the occasional old relic, likely local. Chekov watched them all with a careful eye as they walked.
"Zere is an inherent poversource here? Zat is still functional? Hawe you studied it?"
Well, perhaps not of the lug behind Chekov.
"I have," he said, because there was no reason not to tell him. "It's thermal, so there wasn't much to getting it running again." Not, sadly, exportable, though some of their solutions had been ingenious. Even more so after he'd improved upon them.
For the moment, he just watched and waited. He knew Chekov's body language well enough to see that he was tense. Korby was tense, though he was trying hard not to look like it. So Harris was tense, too. It was only polite, to follow your host's lead.
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