Favourite Song Your icon must contain the title or some lyrics (with a minimum word count of three words) from your favourite song. And be sure to let me know the title & artist when you submit.
Okay, mini-extension, this time, since we still only have submissions from one member. Submissions extended until midnight GMT on Sunday. If no one else has entered by then, then week 3 will be officially cancelled, so submit here.
>> wanizame_boy, could you post week 4 on Monday morning?
Thus far, there've been no additional icons submitted since the extension, but we really need more people to submit in order to have a proper competition, so please consider submitting here, before Friday's up. *Grovels*
3 icons have been submitted thus far to week 3, but unfortunately that's not enough for a vote, so I will be extending submissions for one more week. Please consider submitting here.
Last call for week 3~ submissions close in less than 24 hours, and we are still in desperate need of more icons, so submit here, before it's too late~!!